The following uses are specifically prohibited.
   (a)   Baker, wholesale
   (b)   Welding shop
   (c)   Bottling works.
   (d)   Carting, trucking, hauling or storage yard.
   (e)   Coal, coke or wood storage
   (f)   Contractor’s plant or storage yard.
   (g)   Laundry, except Laundromats, which are permitted.
   (h)   Machine shop.
   (i)   Milk bottling or distribution station.
   (j)   Stone or monument manufacturing works.
   (k)   Storage yard including lumber yard, storage warehouse.
   (l)   Trailer camps.
   (m)   Wholesale produce market.
   (n)   All uses prohibited or regulated in I Industrial Districts.
   (o)   Any kind of manufacturing, compounding, processing or treatment of any products other than that which is clearly incidental and essential to a retail store or business and where all such products are sold at retail on the premises.
      (Ord. 2002-25. Passed 4-8-03.)
   (p)   Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Prohibited (No variances permitted.)
      (Ord. 2021-48. Passed 12-6-21.)