(a)   No more than one dwelling building shall be constructed on any lot and the same must face a legal public street.
   (b)   Each single-family dwelling shall be located upon a lot having an average width of not less than sixty feet and an area not less than 6000 square feet.
   (c)   Each two-family dwelling shall be located upon a lot having an average width of not less than seventy feet and an area of not less than 7500 square feet.
   (d)   Lot areas for other permitted uses shall be as required to meet the yard and lot coverage requirements of this section.
   (e)   Where a lot has less area or width than herein required and was of record at the time of the effective date of the Zoning Ordinance, that lot may be used for a single-family dwelling or for the non-dwelling uses permitted in this district.
(Ord. 2002-25. Passed 4-8-03.)