Ord. No. Date Description
Unno. 8-6-1875 Annexation of certain territory in sections 19 and 30.
Unno. 3-12-1904 Annexation of territory.
201A 3-23-20 Annexation application of City Solicitor for San Felice Addition.
70B 11-24-31 Annexation of certain territory.
77B 2-23-32 Annexation of 38.55 acre tract of land.
682B 2-9-60 Annexation application for 3.95 acres by Nelson Etgen. et al.
736B 2-13-62 Annexation application for 27.42 acres by John F. Drick.
782B 8-13-63 Annexation application for 30.26 acres by William A. Laudick et al.
815B 11-24-64 Annexation of 17 acre tract of land in section 25, Washington Twp. as an I-2 Zoning Area.
825B 3-9-65 Annexation application for 7.5 acres by Firnin Pothast et al.
888B 8-8-67 Annexation application of 3.15 acres in Tax Lot 52 by Gary J. Barettner
906B 5-28-68 Annexation of 21.352 acres in Washington Twp.
972B 11-11-69 Annexation petition for 7.435 acres in Marion Twp. by Ronald J. Miehls.
995B 9-14-70 Annexation application for 25.71 acres in Washington Twp. by the Board of Education and May Jettinghoff et al.
996B 9-14-70 Annexation application for 14.70 acres in the south half of section 25 by Raymond and Roberta M. Ulm.
1004B 11-24-70 Annexation application for 14.70 acres in section 25 by Raymond J. and Roberta M. Ulm.
1005B 11-24-70 Annexation application for 25.71 acres in part of Section 24 by the Board of Education and May Jettinghoff et al.
1074B 10-10-72 Annexation application for 14.18 acres in part of section 24 by Robert and Martha Flanagan et al.
1102B 2-27-73 Annexation application for 4.5 acres in part of section 30 by the 1362 Club, Inc.
1103B 2-27-73 Annexation application for 84 acres in the east half of section 19 by the Ricker Contracting Co.
1111B 4-24-73 Annexation application for 84 acres in the east half of section 19 by the Ricker Contracting Co.
1112B 4-24-73 Annexation application for 4.5 acres in part of section 30 by the 1362 Club, Inc.
1114B 5-1-73 Annexation application for 84 acres in the east half of section 19 by the Ricker Contracting Co.
1116B 5-1-73 Annexation application for 4.5 acres in part of section 30 by the 1362 Club, Inc .
1137B 9-11-73 Annexation application for 18 acres in part of section 19. by Richard J. and Marie Grothause.
1089B 2-13-73 Annexation application for 4.5 acres in part of section 30 by the 1362 Club, Inc.
1090B 2-13-73 Annexation application for 84 acres in the east half of section 19 by the Ricker Contracting Co.
1428B 9-30-80 Annexation of 4.133 acres in Marion Township.
1986-21 11-25-86 Annexation of three tracts of land.
1988-16 7-12-88 Accepts application of Leonard and Vera Menke for annexation of land.
1989-36 7-25-89 Accepts annexation of 0.009 acres of land in the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Marion Township.
1989-44 10-10-89 Accepts annexation of 13.668 acres of land in the northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Marion Township.
1990-20 5-22-90 Accepts annexation of two parcels of land being part of the southwest quarter of Section 30, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Marion Township, Allen County, Ohio.
1991-56A 1-27-92 Accepts annexation of 12.685 acres in the northeast quarter of Section 36 and the southeast quarter of Section 25 of Washington Township.
1992-38 7-27-92 Accepts annexation of 4.579 acres in the northeast one quarter of Section 19 and in the northwest one quarter of Section 20, Town 2 South, Range 5, East Marion Township.
1993-12 5-24-93 Accepts annexation of 91.16 acres in the northeast quarter of Section 30 and the southeast quarter of Section 19 of Marion Township.
1993-39 12-13-93 Accepts annexation of real estate upon application of several owners in Section 24 of Washington Township.
1994-15 5-9-94 Accepts annexation of real estate upon application of several owners in Section 19 of Marion Township.
1994-29 6-13-94 Accepts annexation of contiguous territory being a parcel of land in the northeast 1/4 of Section 19. Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Marion Township.
1994-35 8-22-94 Accepts annexation of 9.1396 acres contiguous to the City.
1996-51 11-11-96 Accepts the application of several owners of real estate located in the southeast and northeast quarters of Section 19 and the southwest, northwest and southeast quarters of Section 20 for annexation.
1998-43 10-12-98 Accepts the application of several owners of real estate located in the northwest 1/4 of Section 31, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Marion Township.
1999-2 1-25-99 Accepts the application of the owners of real estate located in the northeast 1/4 of Section 19, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Marion Township.
1999-30 9-27-99 Accepts the application of the owners of real estate located in the northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Marion Township.
2000-02 2-14-00 Accepts the application of the majority of owners of real estate located in the southwest 1/4 of Section 19, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Marion Township.
2002-44 11-12-02 Accepts the application of the majority of owners of real estate located in the northwest 1/4.
2002-59 11-26-02 Annexation agreement with Marion Township.
2003-18 4-8-03 Accepts the application of the majority of owners of real estate located in the north ½ of Section 30, T2S, R5E, Marion Township.
2003-21 4-8-03 Accepts the application of all owners of real estate located in the north ½ of Section 30, T2S, R5E Marion Township.
2004-53 8-10-04 Accepts the application of all owners of real estate located in the northeast quarter of Section 30, T2S, R5E Marion Township.
2004-72 12-14-04 Authorizing the annexation of 25 acres of land owned by the City.
2004-77 12-28-04 Accepts the application of all owners of real estate located in the southeast quarter of Section 19.
2007-32 7-24-07 Accepts the application of the majority of all owners of real estate located in the northwest quarter of Section 36 and the southwest quarter of Section 25, T2S, R4E, Washington Township.
2007-33 7-24-07 Accepts the application of the majority of all owners of real estate located in the northwest quarter of Section 36 and the southwest quarter of Section 25, T2S, R4E, Washington Township.
2008-04 2-26-08 Authorizing the annexation of approximately 99.429 acres more or less of land owned by the City of Delphos.
2008-12 4-8-08 Authorizing the annexation of approximately 14.6091 acres more or less of land owned by the City of Delphos.
2008-48 8-26-08 Authorizing the annexation of approximately 11.715 acres owned by the City located in Van Wert County to the City.
2008-63 12-22-08 Accepting the application of all owners of real estate located in the NW quarter of Section 19, T2S, R5E, Marion Township, Allen County (rear N. Main St.) for annexation to the City.
2009-27 4-14-09 Accepting the application of all owners of real estate located in and situated as being part of the west half and part of the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 12, T2S, R4E, Washington Township.
2010-16 4-13-10 Accepting the application of all owners of real estate located in and situated in the southwest quarter of Section 24, Township 2 South, Range 4 East, Washington Township, now known as Lot 1395.
2015-9 3-16-15 Authorizes an annexation agreement with Marion Township.
2015-24 6-1-15 Accepts the application of all owners of real estate located in and situated in the northwest fraction of Outlot 14 in Gilliland Outlots, Washington Township now known as Lot 1396 and Lot 1397 for annexation to the City.
2015-25 7-13-15 Accepts the application of all owners of real estate located in and situated partially in the southwest quarter of Section 20 and partially in the northwest quarter of Section 29, T-2-S, R-5-E, Marion Township for annexation to the City.
2018-2 2-28-18 Accepting the application from the majoirty of property owners of real estate located in J.M.C. Marble’s Subdivision, Washington Township now known as Lots 1398, 1399, 1400, 1401, 1402 and 1403 for annexation to the City.