(a)    No person shall dig or excavate any ditch, drain, sewer or trench in, upon or across any sidewalk, street, alley or square or public highway in the City without first having obtained a permit to do so from the Service Director.
   (b)    After digging any ditch, drain, sewer or trench such permit holder shall cause the earth removed to be returned to its original condition.
   (c)    After an excavation is made in any paved street, alley or sidewalk, the pavement shall be relaid in a good, substantial and workmanlike manner under the supervision and direction of the Service Director.
   (d)    The Director shall require a bond to be given by the person excavating a paved street or alley. Such bond shall be conditioned on the faithful performances of restoring the street or alley to its original condition and that the street will be maintained in good condition.
(Ord. 23-B. Passed 6-11-12.)