Ord. No. Date Description
28 4-7-1891 Dedication of alleys in J.R. Brown's Addition.
29 4-7-1891 Dedication of alleys in Shaffer's Subdivision.
30 5-7-1891 Dedication of streets and alleys in Steinle and company's addition.
37 11-17-1891 Dedication of property in outlot 17 for public use as an alley.
67 6-20-1893 Approval of Wrocklage and Stallkamps Plat.
62 10-31-1893 Dedication of streets and alleys in Werner's Addition.
64 2-13-1894 Dedication of streets and alleys in John Treutman's Addition.
27A 6-27-11 Accept plat of Maplewood Place Addition.
Res. 5-28-41 Accepting abandoned Miami and Erie Canal land for parking purposes.
221B 8-26-41 Accepting canal lands for street purposes.
Res. 8-28-41 Accepting portion of Miami and Erie Canal property for street purposes.
360-B 2-28-50 Accepting Toomey's First Addition.
372-B 4-25-50 Accepting Maurice and Jane Withers Addition.
451-B 7-22-52 Accepting deed of Celilia Helkamp.
452-B 7-22-52 Accepting deed of Florence Buschor.
R567 10-15-52 Accepting plat of Feather's First Addition.
R570 4-14-53 Accepting plat of Hoelderle's Subdivision.
536-B 4-12-55 Conveyance and dedication of E. Ninth St. extended.
R587 7-10-56 Accepting plat of Richard F. Osting Addition.
810B 8-25-64 Accepting R. A. Wannemacher's Subdivision.
829B 4-20-65 Part of Subdivision 3 of Moennig's Subdivision for street purposes.
R655 2-13-68 Accepting plat of Richard F. Osting on a dedicated alley.
1123B 6-12-73 Accepting Steve Dickman's Subdivision 2 located in NE quarter of section 24, Twp. 2 south, Range 4 east.
1141B 11-27-73 Accepting Ricker Development Section 2 in northeast quarter of section 19, Twp. 2 south, Range 5 east.
1170B 7-23-74 Accepting Ricker Development Section 2 in northeast quarter of section 19, Twp. 2 south, Range 5 east.
1171B 7-23-74 Accepting Ricker Development Section 3 in northeast quarter of section 19, Twp 2 south, Range 5 east.
1369B 6-12-79 Accepting Ricker Development Section 4 in northeast quarter of section 19, Range 5 east.
1985-30 11-12-85 Accepting the dedication of a strip of land between the west side of Grant St. and the east end of Cleveland St.
1996-34 7-22-96 Accepting the dedication of a strip of land along Lima Ave.
2004-30 4-13-04 Accepting the dedication of a portion of land NKA Gressel Drive.
2005-27 5-24-05 Dedication of a portion of land KNA Gressel Drive.
2020-43 11-2-20 Accepting the dedication of a portion of land, known as Colletta Way.