§ 50.39  BILLS.
   (A)   Bills for water used shall be mailed on the first and second day of each month.
   (B)   Upon an account becoming delinquent, the Village Water Collector provides the Board at the monthly Board meeting with a list of names of water consumers who are delinquent and the amount of the delinquency, and shall inform the consumer by letter mailed to the consumer’s current address.
   (C)   All water bills are due and payable to the Village Water Collector on the fifteenth day of the month in which the bill was mailed to the consumer. A water bill shall be deemed delinquent if it remains unpaid after the fifteenth day of said month. Upon an account becoming delinquent, the Village Water Collector shall inform the consumer by letter mailed to the consumer’s current address, if known, and to the address at which water service is being or has been supplied, that the water service will be discontinued unless the bill is paid in full by the last day of the month.
   (D)   The Village Clerk is empowered to take all legal steps necessary to perfect a lien against any property served by the Village Water Service which has a delinquent water bill pending. The Village Clerk shall be authorized to initiate a collection action in court for the collection of unpaid water bills. If such collection action is filed, the person, firm, or corporation owing the funds shall pay reasonable costs of collection, including attorney’s fees.
(Prior Code, § 29-306)  (Ord. 12-01, passed 2-5-2012)