§ 155.03  STANDARDS.
   Further, in order to protect the quality of the potable water supply of the village, and minimize damage to water bearing formations, the following standards shall apply to drilling, completion, and operation of any gas, oil, injection, or water well, and to the abandonment of such wells, within the village’s zone of protection.
   (A)   Any well, which penetrates the bedrock below the Mahomet Aquifer, shall be completed by cementing a steel outer casing at least 25 feet into the bedrock from the upper surface of the bedrock, and by cementing the annulus between a production casing and the outer casing from the ground surface to a point at least 25 feet below the surface of the bedrock. The cement shall have a compression strength of at least 2,000 pounds per square inch, and shall be at least one inch thick at all points other than at centering spacers.
   (B)   The casing of every well drilled deeper than 85 feet from the ground surface without the use of a bentonite clay drilling mud, or which is completed by introducing sand or gravel between the drill hole periphery and the well casing, shall have the annulus sealed outside the casing above each sand and gravel layer that is penetrated above the base of the Mahomet Aquifer. Each seal shall be at least three feet thick and shall consist of bentonite clay or portland cement concrete. Sand or gravel layers less than one foot thick are exempt from this sealing standard.
   (C)   No water well shall be screened to produce water simultaneously from two or more separate sand or gravel formations. For purposes of this standard, sand and gravel layers, separated not more than three feet, may be considered a single layer.
   (D)   Drilled wells which are abandoned shall be sealed by the well owner by filling the casing with concrete through the portion of the well that is between the bottom of the Mahomet Aquifer and three feet below the ground surface. Abandoned dug wells shall be sealed in a manner approved by the state Department of Public Health.
   (E)   No water well deeper than 75 feet shall be operated at such a high rate of flow as to pull the water surface at the well below the top of the aquifer from which it is drawing, except for the Mahomet Aquifer, at which case it may be drawn 75 feet below the top of the aquifer. Nothing, however, shall prevent a well owner from pumping collectively from his or her well, or wells, a daily amount up to 200 gallons per acre from his or her contagious land which contains the well, or wells. To facilitate monitoring the water level, each well deeper than 75 feet shall be equipped with a drop tube that extends below the bottom of the well screen (or bottom of pump if no screen is installed) through which air may be pumped from the top of the well. No drop tube is required if the combined pumping capacity of the well, or wells, is less than 200 gallons per acre.
   (F)   For any well that is screened, or open, in sand or gravel deeper than 75 feet below the ground surface, the suction intake of the pump shall be set no lower (measured from ground surface) than twice the distance from that well to a village well. This depth limitation may be waived if the village executes a release which shall be recorded. The village, by resolution, may waive this pump depth limitation for those wells within its corporate limits which are more than twice the pumping setting depth inside the corporate limits.
   (G)   The party proposing to drill a well that will yield 100,000 gallons per day or more shall invite representatives of the Illinois Water Survey to observe any well tests, and will allow that agency to make tests if none are otherwise performed, and shall supply the village with the results of such tests when made available.
(Prior Code, § 31-103)