The Arborist shall perform the following duties.
   (A)   The Arborist, with the assistance of the Tree Commission, shall develop, and each subsequent year update, the Urban Forestry Plan. The Plan shall outline urban forestry program activities for a minimum of the next five years. This plan shall describe the urban forestry activities to be undertaken by the village, the reasons for those activities, the possible funding source(s), the means of accomplishing the activities, the alternatives available to the village to fund or accomplish the activity, the projected date of completion, and the consequences if the activity is not completed. Activities may include, but are not limited to, street tree inventory, planting, tree removal, beautification projects, and educational projects;
   (B)   The Arborist, with the assistance of the Tree Commission, shall develop, and periodically review and revise, as necessary, the Arboricultural Specifications Manual. This manual shall contain regulations and standards for the planting, maintenance, and removal of trees, shrubs, and other plants upon village-owned property.
   (C)   The Arborist shall cause the Urban Forestry Plan and the Arboricultural Specifications Manual, and all revisions and amendments to it, to be published and promulgated, and shall cause three copies of the Manual, and all revisions and amendments to it, to be available for public inspection at the office of the Village Clerk. Notice that such information is available for public inspection shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation with the county at least one weekday of each of four consecutive weeks immediately following the initial availability of the Arboricultural Specifications Manual, or revisions or amendments thereto. The Arboricultural Specifications Manual and any revisions and additions thereto shall become effective on the tenth day following the final publication in a newspaper of general circulation required under this division (C).
   (D)   The Arborist shall make available to any interested person copies of the Tree Ordinance, information about the activities of the Tree Commission, copies of the Arboricultural Specifications Manual, and copies of the Urban Forestry Plan.
   (E)   The Arborist shall administer the Urban Forestry Plan, this chapter, and the provisions of the Arboricultural Specifications Manual.
   (F)   The Arborist shall perform whatever acts are necessary, including the planting and maintenance of trees, shrubs, and other plants located on village-owned property, conform with the Urban Forestry Plan, the Arboricultural Specifications Manual, and this chapter.
   (G)   The Arborist shall issue such permits, as are required by § 153.03, and shall obtain, as a condition precedent to the issuance of such permits, the written agreement of each person who applies for such permits that he or she will comply with the requirements of this chapter, the Urban Forestry Plan, and with the regulations, and shall have the right to inspect all work performed pursuant to such permits. If the Arborist finds that the work performed is not in compliance with the requirements of this chapter, the Urban Forestry Plan, or with the regulations or standards of the Arboricultural Specifications Manual, the Arborist shall provide written notice of his or her finding to the permit applicant. The notice shall contain a copy of Section V (c) (5) of this Ordinance and:
      (1)   The permit shall be nullified and shall be void;
      (2)   The Arborist may issue a written order that the permit applicant cease and desist all work for which the permit was required;
      (3)   The permit applicant shall be subject to penalty under the terms of § 153.03; and
      (4)   The Arborist may take steps to correct the results of the non-complying work, and the reasonable costs of such steps shall be charged to the permit applicant.
   (H)   The Arborist shall establish a program of public information and education that will encourage the planting, maintenance, or removal of trees, shrubs, and other plants on private property in furtherance of the goals of the Urban Forestry Plan.
(Prior Code, § 32-5)