§ 153.17  FAILURE TO TRIM.
   If any person whose duty it shall be, under the provisions of § 153.16 of this chapter, to trim up, and keep properly trimmed, any shade or ornamental tree or trees in the village shall fail or neglect to do so after being notified by the Superintendent of Streets, or shall insufficiently trim the same to meet the requirements of this chapter, then it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to proceed to trim such trees properly and carefully, and in such manner as to meet the requirements of this section, doing no unnecessary cutting of branches, or no injury to such trees, otherwise than the necessary and proper trimming of the same, for which the Superintendent of Streets shall be entitled to the same rate of compensation as for other labor on the streets, and such compensation may be recovered from the person owning the property by action of debt in the name of the village before any court of competent jurisdiction.
(Prior Code, § 18-8)  Penalty, see § 153.99