The city adopts and incorporates by reference the following codes, copies of which are on file and are open for inspection of the public in the office of the City Clerk, 300 Main Street, Deer Lodge, Montana, being marked and designated as:
(A) International Energy Conservation Code, 2021 Edition, IECC, as modified and amended by Building Codes Bureau Rule: ARM §§ 24.301.161;
(C) International Existing Building Code, 2021 Edition, IEBC, as modified and amended by Building Codes Bureau Rule: ARM § 24.301.171;
(D) International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, 2021 Edition, ISPSC, as modified and amended by Building Codes Bureau Rule: ARM § 24.301.175; and
(E) International Residential Code, 2021 Edition, IRC, as modified and amended by Building Codes Bureau Rule: ARM § 24.301.154.
(Prior Code, § 15.02.010) (Ord. 1, passed 1-17-1980; Ord. 16, passed 3-32-1983; Ord. 65, passed 9-21-1992; Ord. 82, passed 9-3-1996; Ord. 87, passed 12-7-1998; Ord. 89, passed 6-10-1999; Ord. 101, passed 3-18-2002; Ord. 104, passed 12-2-2002; Ord. 106, passed 7-6-2004; Ord. 108, passed 2-22-2005; Ord. 113, passed 6-18-2007; Ord. 132, passed 6-7-2010; Ord. 138, passed 11-1-2010; Ord. 161, passed 4-4-2016; Ord. 2020-2, passed 7-20-2020; Ord. 2022-3, passed 9- 6-2022; Ord. 2022-6, passed 11-21-2022, effective 12-22-2022)