Provided, in addition to the requirements of §, that:
(A) Access roads require only limited fill and do not obstruct or divert flood waters (ARM § 36.15.602(8));
(B) The project meets the accessory structures requirements in this section;
(C) No dwellings or permanent mobile homes are allowed (ARM § 36.15.602(8));
(D) Recreational vehicles and travel trailers are ready for highway use with wheels intact, with only quick disconnect type utilities and securing devices, and have no permanently attached additions (44 C.F.R. § 60.3(c)(14)); and
(E) There is no large-scale clearing of riparian vegetation within 50 feet of the mean annual high water mark (higher standard).
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 6, passed 3-16-1981; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)