The Health Officer shall cause, when necessary, a thorough sanitary inspection of houses and premises within the city limits under his or her superintendence. Such inspection shall include all matters affecting the public health and that for the purpose of making such inspection, the Health Officer shall be permitted at all times, to enter into any house, store, stable or other building, and cause floors to be raised or other work done that may be necessary to make a thorough examination. Whenever said Health Officer shall ascertain that the conditions of any building or premises or vault or cesspool are injurious to the health or dangerous to the lives of the occupants of such property or of the public, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to notify the owner of such property of such condition, and also to direct and instruct in such notice as to the remedy therefor; and if such removal or cleansing be not effected within three days, or reasonable time after such notification, the offending person or persons shall be punished by fine not exceeding the sum of $100, and the necessary expenses incurred in the necessary removal or cleansing of said property.
(Prior Code, § 2.26.030) (Ord. 1, passed 1-17-1980)