(A) The Chief shall have the general supervision of the Department, which shall be subject to and not conflict with this chapter and/or the by-laws of the Department. The Chief shall be responsible for the safety of the members of the Department.
(B) The Fire Chief’s supervisory duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) To have charge and control of all firefighters and Fire Department officers, subject to such rules as may be prescribed by ordinance, and to report to the Mayor and the Council all delinquencies or neglect of duty or official misconduct of Fire Department employees for action of the Mayor or of the City Council;
(2) The Fire Chief shall have the power to demote or expel any officer or member of the Department for neglect or refusal to perform his or her departmental duties, subject to an appeal from such demotion or expulsion to the Mayor and to the City Council. The by-laws may also provide for expulsion for failure to participate in departmental activities or for non-residence;
(3) The Fire Chief may, in consultation with the Mayor and conformation of the City Council, appoint such officers as he or she requires for the fulfillment of the Department’s duties;
(4) Maintain and update personnel records and conduct interviews on potential Fire Department appointees;
(5) Before hiring, reference checks on all new personnel shall be conducted;
(6) Develops and provides for the initial training of new firefighters, and such on-going training that shall provide for the education and enhancement of the performance of Fire Department;
(7) Provides regular written evaluations of firefighters and Fire Department officers as prescribed by the City Policy and Procedures Manual or as directed by the Mayor;
(8) Provides remedial training for firefighters and Fire Department officers in areas identified as deficient in their regular written evaluations;
(9) Maintains written record of any disciplinary actions taken with firefighters or Fire Department officers and will keep records of those disciplinary actions in their personnel file in the city vault; and
(10) Performs such other and further supervisory duties as the City Council or the Mayor may prescribe.
(Prior Code, § 2.20.040) (Ord. 2019-6, passed 8-19-2019)