(A)   All subdivisions with publicly dedicated right-of-ways shall be designed with sidewalks and/or trails. The intent is to ensure occupants of all lots are provided pedestrian and other non-motorized access to the city’s public transportation network.
   (B)   A plan for sidewalks and trails shall be submitted with the preliminary plat application and is subject to review and approval by the city staff and City Council prior to final plat approval. The following minimum standards apply.
      (1)   Sidewalks along both sides of collector and local streets shall be a minimum of five feet wide with a concrete surface, unless an alternative design is proposed that meets the intent of this subchapter.
      (2)   Sidewalks and trails shall be separated from the public street by a six-foot wide landscaped boulevard. No street trees shall be located within 50 feet of a stop sign.
      (3)   Where sidewalks along streets are impractical or an alternative design is proposed, trails shall be provided within adequate easements, and a gravel or hard surface a minimum of eight feet in width shall be provided.
      (4)   Sidewalks and trails shall be constructed to the latest edition of the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications and all other adopted city standards for sidewalks and trails.
      (5)   Maintenance of all sidewalks along city streets are subject to Chapter 12.06 of the city codes. Where sidewalks or trails are not located along city streets or are otherwise not subject to Chapter 12.06 of the city codes, the preliminary plat application must address future maintenance of the sidewalks and trails, such as providing for maintenance by an owners’ association or by individual lot owners along each lot’s sidewalk frontage.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 151, passed 6-20-2016)