(A)   General.
      (1)   A pre-application meeting to explain the subdivision application and review process is required. The pre-application meeting is intended to provide an overview of what will be required for the subdivision application, as well as alerting the subdivider to potential issues and/or provide information that could affect design.
      (2)   A pre-application meeting is scheduled with the Administrator by the subdivider filling out and submitting a pre-application request form in addition to the required pre-application materials.
   (B)   Pre-application submittal.
      (1)   The subdivider shall submit a completed pre-application form (refer to §, Appendix B).
      (2)   When a complete pre-application form has been submitted to the Administrator, the Administrator shall notify the subdivider of the date and time of the meeting. The meeting shall be held within 30 days of the subdivider submitting the required materials.
      (3)   The Administrator may notify and invite to the pre-application meeting representatives of affected public utilities and review agencies at the local, state and federal levels, including, but not limited to, the local sanitarian and/or DEQ reviewer, County Clerk and Recorder, Public Works Department, Fire Department, law enforcement, emergency services, and the like. The role of these agencies is to provide comment relevant to their agency’s review. The contacted agencies may also submit written comments prior to the pre-application meeting.
   (C)   Pre-application meeting. The subdivider or their officially designated representative is required to be present at the pre-application meeting. At the pre-application meeting, the Administrator shall:
      (1)   Identify the state laws, local regulations and growth policy provisions that may apply to the subdivision review process;
      (2)   Provide the subdivider with a comprehensive list of the information, documents, fees and other materials that shall be required in order to submit a preliminary plat application;
      (3)   Provide to the subdivider a list of agencies that will be contacted during the review process and the timeframes that the public utilities, agencies and other entities are given to respond; and
      (4)   Identify particular additional information the Administrator anticipates will be required for review of the subdivision application. However, the identification of this information by the Administrator at the pre-application stage does not in any way limit her or his ability to require additional or different information at a later time.
   (D)   Pre-application duration. Within six months of the pre-application meeting, the subdivider shall submit a preliminary plat application or a pre-application extension request. If a preliminary plat application or extension request is not received within six months, the pre-application is void and will need to be re-submitted if the subdivider wishes to proceed. Requests for extensions shall be addressed to the Administrator, who may approve an extension for up to six months. The Administrator shall notify the subdivider in writing of a decision to approve or deny an extension. If denied, the reasons for denial shall be included in the notice.
   (E)   Restrictions on improvements.
      (1)   General. By requesting the pre-application meeting, the subdivider agrees to the following provisions restricting construction and changes to the property. These provisions are intended to allow for a complete evaluation of the proposed subdivision compared to the pre-subdivision condition.
      (2)   Construction timing.
         (a)   Once a request for a pre-application meeting has been submitted, the subdivider shall not engage in construction of subdivision-related improvements prior to approval of the preliminary plat application. Subdivision-related improvements include water, wastewater, stormwater and solid waste facilities; subdivision- related utilities; and roads, streets and any improvement requiring grading or earth moving. All historic, cultural, archaeological and natural resources on the site shall remain unaltered. Riparian vegetation and wetlands may not be damaged or removed.
         (b)   The following activities shall be allowed:
            1.   Work related to testing, analytical or monitoring activities that may be required by these regulations or are relevant to the development of the preliminary plat application; and
            2.   Activities approved in advance and in writing by the Administrator that qualify as actions that are not subdivision-related.
         (c)   The city shall not be responsible if improvements or alterations have to be eradicated, moved, repaired or rebuilt due to a subdivider making property improvements prior to and/or not in accordance with conditions of preliminary approval.
      (3)   Enforcement.
         (a)   A violation of the restrictions in this subchapter subjects the subdivider to the enforcement provisions and penalties in §
         (b)   Restoration of any resource alteration, as described above, may be required as a condition of subdivision approval.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 151, passed 6-20-2016)