(A)   Upon initiation of an amendment, the city shall cause to be made an investigation of facts bearing on such initiation or petition.
      (1)   The purpose of the investigation is to provide the necessary information to assure that the action of each such petition is consistent with the intent and purpose of this title as set forth in MCA § 76-2-304.
      (2)   This includes, but is not limited to the city growth policy.
   (B)   Considerations:
      (1)   Amendments only addressing zoning standards will be measured against the zoning purposes.
      (2)   Amendments which address only subdivision standards will be measured against the purposes related to the subdivision purposes.
      (3)   Amendments which apply to both zoning and subdivision standards will be reviewed against all the purposes.
(Prior Code, § 11.01.300.070) (Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)