The following are permitted uses:
(A) Accessory uses;
(B) Art and music supply stores;
(C) Bakeries;
(D) Barber and beauty shops;
(E) Campgrounds: public and private;
(F) Clinics;
(G) Conditional uses as provided in § and subject to conditions and requirements prescribed;
(H) Dressmaking;
(I) Equipment sales and services;
(J) Financial institutions;
(K) Food and drug stores;
(L) Furniture stores;
(M) Hospitals;
(N) Laundries and dry-cleaning establishments;
(O) Meeting and lodge halls;
(P) Mortuaries;
(Q) Museums, libraries and galleries;
(R) Newspaper offices;
(S) Nursing homes;
(T) Open space;
(U) Parking lots;
(V) Places of worship;
(W) Printing offices;
(X) Private and public business schools;
(Y) Private and public dance schools;
(Z) Private and public secretarial schools;
(AA) Private and public technical schools;
(BB) Professional and business offices;
(CC) Public buildings and uses;
(DD) Repair services for clothes, dolls, small appliances, watches, glasses and other such items;
(EE) Research and development institutions;
(FF) Restaurants and cafés;
(GG) Retails sales, such as clothing, candy, furniture and jewelry, but excluding heavy machinery;
(HH) Shopping centers;
(II) Signs;
(JJ) Sporting goods stores;
(KK) Temporary buildings for and during constructions only;
(LL) Theaters, except drive-ins;
(MM) Uses customarily accessory to those listed; and
(NN) Veterinary clinics-small animal hospital.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2020-1, passed 1-21-2020; Ord. 2021-2, passed 7-6-2021; Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)