(A) The average of the existing setbacks of the lots on both sides and to the rear of the subject property will determine the property line setbacks. The following rules apply in calculating the average:
(1) The setbacks used for the calculations must be for the same type of structure that is being averaged;
(2) Only the setbacks on the lots that abut each side of the subject property and are on the same street may be used;
(3) The rear setbacks directly opposite the subject property are applicable to determine the rear setbacks; and
(4) Setbacks across the street or along a different street are unacceptable.
(B) The following minimum setbacks are required when the use of averaging method is not applicable:
(1) Front setback: 25 feet;
(2) Rear setback, principal structure: 20 feet;
(3) Rear setback, accessory uses: ten feet; and
(4) Side: five feet each side.

(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)