No structure or land may be used for any purpose in any district where such use is not a permitted use, unless such use is listed as a conditional use in this code and approval for that use is obtained through the proper procedure. Conditional use permits shall be granted only by the City Council when their findings are that:
   (A)   The use conforms to the objectives of the growth policy and the intent of this code;
   (B)   Such use will not adversely affect nearby properties or their occupants;
   (C)   Such use meets density, coverage, yard, height and all other regulations of the district in which it is to be located, unless otherwise provided for in this code; and
   (D)   Public hearings have been held, after the required legal notices have been given and the public has been given a chance to be heard upon the matter.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)