(A)   On-site signs. All on-site signs permitted as accessory uses in all business and industrial districts shall require a zoning permit and are subject to the following regulations.
      (1)   No freestanding sign shall be set nearer to the lot line adjacent to a street than the required minimum setback for the principal uses permitted in the zoning district.
      (2)   No sign that overhangs the public right-of-way shall be closer than two and one-half feet from the curb or curb line.
      (3)   No sign that overhangs the public right-of-way shall be less than eight feet from the surface of the right-of-way to the bottom of the sign.
      (4)   No on-site sign shall exceed 30 feet in height as measured from either the grade at the sign or at the nearest roadway, whichever is greater.
      (5)   No on-site or roof sign shall exceed 65 feet in height or 300 square feet when located within three-fourth mile of where the I-90 Exit 184 and Main Street intersect and where I-90 Exit 187 and Main Street intersect.
   (B)   Off-site signs.
      (1)   Setback. No off-site sign shall be set nearer to the lot line adjacent a street than the required minimum setback for the principal uses permitted in the district.
      (2)   Height.
         (a)   No off-site sign shall exceed 30 feet in height as measured from either the grade at the sign or at the nearest roadway, whichever is greater.
         (b)   No off-site sign shall exceed 65 feet in height or 300 square feet when located within one-half mile of where the I-90 Exit 184 and Main Street intersect and where Interstate 90 Exit 187 and Main Street intersect.
(Prior Code, § (Ord. 2021-15, passed 12-20-2021)