§ 2.19.010 COMPOSITION.
   (A)   The Mayor has the general administrative and supervisory authority over the Police Department. The Mayor is given the power to appoint all members and officers of the department, as well as the power to suspend or remove any member or officer on the city police force. All members of the Police Department are appointed for probationary terms, subject to revocation by the Mayor. The Mayor is responsible for making rules for the government, direction, management and discipline of the city police force. Whenever the Mayor deems temporary employment expedient for the Police Department, he or she has the authority to employ temporary assistance.
   (B)   The Police Department shall consist of a Chief of Police and such number of police officers as shall from time to time be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, and upon them shall devolve the duty of enforcing the ordinances of the city and preserving the peace, good order and quiet thereof.
(Prior Code, § 2.18.010) (Ord. 1, passed 1-17-1980; Ord. 2019-6, passed 8-19-2019; Ord. 2023-4, passed 5-15-2023, effective 6-16-2023)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see MCA §§ 7-32-4103, 7-32-4108, 7-32-4109 and 7-2-4113(1)