§ 94.03  TIME.
   A permit issued under this chapter shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of the issuance of the permit. After on year the permit shall become void unless an extension is applied for prior to the expiration of the permit. All construction shall be completed by the expiration date of the permit. Application for the extension of the permit shall be made to the County Highway Department on a form approved by the County Highway Department. The extension of a permit shall be subject to any new requirements enacted since the issuance of the original permit and shall be subject to the applicant paying a new permit fee in effect at the time of applying for the extension. The County Highway Department shall within 14 days of date of application for the extension either extend the permit for a one-year period or provide in writing the reasons for the denial of the extension of the permit.
(Ord. 1998-5, passed 7-20-1998)