(A)   The weight and size limits for vehicles and loads established by I.C. 9-20 apply within the county, unless stricter limits for particular roads have been established by local ordinance and signs have been posted designating those limits.
   (B)   The County Highway Department may, upon proper application in writing and upon good cause shown, grant a permit for transporting heavy or oversized vehicles or loads on the county roads if the County Highway Department finds that other traffic will not be seriously affected and highways or bridges will not be seriously damaged.
   (C)   A permit under this section may be issued for a single trip or for a definite time as specified in the permit, not to exceed one year.
   (D)   The County Highway Department may adopt such procedures as it deems appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section, including setting fees, guidelines and requirements for permits.
(Ord. 2008-1, passed 1-22-2008)  Penalty, see § 70.99