(A)   The operation of a golf cart on streets within the municipal boundary of the city is hereby authorized only so long as the golf cart is registered, operated, insured and equipped as hereinafter required. Failure to register, operate, insure and equip a golf cart as required herein shall constitute a violation of this subchapter and any subsequent codification of this subchapter in the code of ordinances.
   (B)   Violations shall be punishable by fines, costs and penalties as hereinafter set forth. No golf cart may be operated on a highway, as defined herein, except for the purpose of crossing a highway, perpendicularly, at an intersection with a city street.
   (C)   Golf carts must obey posted speed limits and may not be operated in excess of 30 mph.
   (D)   Golf carts shall be operated to the right side of the street and may not impede the flow of normal traffic.
   (E)   An operator of a golf cart on a city street shall obey all traffic rules and regulations adopted by the state and/or the city.
   (F)   No golf cart may be operated or parked on city sidewalks.
(Ord. 2009-6, passed 7-21-2009) Penalty, see § 72.99