For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CITY. The City of Decatur, Indiana.
   DRIVER’S LICENSE. A valid license to operate a motor vehicle issued by the state or any other state.
   FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Liability insurance coverage on a golf cart in an amount not less than required by state law for motor vehicles operated on public highways in the state.
   GOLF CART. A four-wheeled motor vehicle originally and specifically designed to transport individuals and golf clubs for the purpose of playing golf.
   GOLF COMMUNITY. The subdivisions of Cross Creek, platted in conjunction with the expansion and development of Cross Creek Golf Course to the extent such subdivision is located within the municipal boundary of the city.
   HIGHWAY. A U.S. highway under the jurisdiction and control of the state and/or the United States Federal Government, including U.S. Hwy. 27, U.S. Hwy. 33 and U.S. Hwy. 224.
   MANUFACTURING FACILITY. Any site or sites located within the municipal boundary of the city, which are zoned for industrial or manufacturing purposes and which are owned and operated by the same or affiliated parties who, in the normal course of business, utilize golf carts on city streets for the transportation of personnel from one plant location to another.
   MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY. The existing corporate limits of the city and future annexations thereto.
   OPERATE. To exercise any control over the function or movement of a golf cart.
   STREET. A street, alley, park or parking area under the jurisdiction and control of the city.
   TRAIL PASS. A decal affixed to a golf cart which indicates that an annual fee has been paid to Cross Creek Golf Course or Grey Goose Golf Course authorizing the use of a privately owned golf cart on golf cart trails located within or adjacent to Cross Creek Golf Course or Grey Goose Golf Course.
(Ord. 2009-6, passed 7-21-2009; Ord. 2009-10, passed 9-15-2009)