(A)   All storm water systems, including detention or retention basins, conveyance systems, structures and appurtenances, located outside of the right-of-way shall be placed within a drainage easement. There shall be no trees or shrubs planted, nor any structures or fences erected in any drainage easement, unless otherwise accepted by the Department. Additional easement requirements along storm water conveyance systems are contained in the City of Decatur Storm Water Technical Standards Manual. All drainage improvements performed relative to the conveyance of storm water runoff and the perpetual maintenance thereof, within the latter easements, shall be the responsibility of the owner or homeowner association.
   (B)   Any outlet to, crossing, and/or encroachment of a county regulated drainage easement requires application and acceptance from the County Drainage Board in accordance with the Indiana Drainage Code.
(Ord. 2023-11, passed 8-1-2023)