For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AUTHORIZED ENFORCEMENT AGENCY. The City Department of Storm Water Management.
   CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. Land disturbing activities, and land disturbing activities associated with the construction of infrastructure and structures. This term does not include routine ditch or road maintenance or minor landscaping projects.
   CONVEYANCE. Any structural method for transferring storm water between at least two points. The term includes piping, ditches, swales, curbs, gutters, catch basins, channels, storm drains, and roadways.
   DEPARTMENT. The City Department of Storm Water Management.
   DETENTION. Managing storm water runoff by temporary holding and controlled release.
   DETENTION BASIN. A facility constructed or modified to restrict the flow of storm water to a prescribed maximum rate, and to detain concurrently the excess waters that accumulate behind the outlet.
   DEVELOPMENT. Any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate including but not limited to:
      (1)   Construction, reconstruction, or placement of a building or any addition to a building;
      (2)   Construction of flood control structures such as levees, dikes, dams or channel improvements;
      (3)   Construction or reconstruction of bridges or culverts;
      (4)   Installing a manufactured home on a site, preparing a site for a manufactured home, or installing a recreational vehicle on a site for more than 180 days;
      (5)   Installing utilities, erection of walls, construction of roads, or similar projects;
      (6)   Mining, dredging, filling, grading, excavation, or drilling operations;
      (7)   Storage of materials; or
      (8)   Any other activity that might change the direction, height, or velocity of flood or surface waters.
   DRAINAGE. The removal of excess surface water or groundwater from land by means of ditches or subsurface drains.
   FLOODPLAIN. The channel proper and the areas adjoining the channel which have been or hereafter may be covered by the regulatory or 100-year flood. Any normally dry land area that is susceptible to being inundated by water from any natural source. The floodplain includes both the floodway and the floodway fringe districts.
   FLUVIAL EROSION HAZARD (FEH) CORRIDOR. Represent the areas along the streams (including the channel and immediate overbanks areas) that are believed to be subject to stream movement or streambank erosion. These corridors have been delineated for most actively migrating and relatively stationary streams in Indiana through an Indiana Silver Jackets initiative.
   IMPERVIOUS SURFACE. Surfaces, such as pavement and rooftops, which prevent the infiltration of storm water into the soil.
   OUTLET. The point of water disposal from a stream, river, lake, tidewater, or artificial drain.
   REDEVELOPMENT. Development occurring on a previously developed site.
   REGIONAL POND. A detention/retention basin sized to detain/retain the runoff from the entire watershed, on-site and off-site, tributary to the pond's outlet.
   RELEASE RATE. The amount of storm water release from a storm water control facility per unit of time.
   RETENTION BASIN. A type of storage practice, that has no positive outlet, used to retain storm water runoff for an indefinite amount of time. Runoff from this type of basin is removed only by infiltration through a porous bottom or by evaporation.
   RUNOFF. That portion of precipitation that flows from a drainage area on the land surface, in open channels, or in storm water conveyance systems.
   URBANIZATION. The development, change or improvement of any parcel of land consisting of one or more lots for residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, recreational or public utility purposes.
   WATERSHED. The region drained by or contributing water to a specific point that could be along a stream, lake or other storm water facility. WATERSHEDS are often broken down into subareas for the purpose of hydrologic modeling.
(Ord. 2023-11, passed 8-1-2023)