(A)   (1)   For those purposes of the Federal Clean Water Act and of I.C. 8-1.5, there is hereby created a Department of Storm Water Management which shall be governed by the City Board of Public Works and Safety pursuant to I.C. 8-1.5-3-3.
      (2)   The Department of Storm Water Management shall consist of a Manager, appointed by the Mayor as the Storm Water Management department head, and such staff as deemed necessary by the City Board of Public Works and Safety.
   (B)   The Department of Storm Water Management, under the legislative policy, supervision and control of the Common Council of the city, shall:
      (1)   Administer the acquisition, design, construction, maintenance and operation of the Department of Storm Water Management system, including capital improvements designated in the capital improvement program;
      (2)   Administer and enforce this chapter and all regulations and procedures adopted relating to the design, construction, maintenance, operation and alteration of the utility storm water system, including, but not limited to, the quantity, quality and/or velocity of the storm water conveyed thereby;
      (3)   Advise the municipality's Common Council and other city departments on matters relating to the utility;
      (4)   Prepare and revise a comprehensive drainage plan for adoption by the municipality's Common Council;
      (5)   Review plans and approve or deny, inspect and accept extensions and connections to the system;
      (6)   Enforce regulations to protect and maintain water quality and quantity within the system in compliance with water quality standards established by state, regional and/or federal agencies as now adopted or hereafter amended; and
      (7)   Annually analyze the cost of services and benefits provided, and the system and structure of fees, charges, civil penalties and other revenues of the utility.
(Ord. 2023-11, passed 8-1-2023)