A.   All dogs kept, harbored or maintained by their owners within the corporate limits of the City shall be licensed.
   B.   Dog licenses shall be issued by the Clerk of the City upon payment of a license fee of three dollars ($3.00) for male or spayed female dog and six dollars ($6.00) for each unspayed female dog. Each female dog shall be presumed to be unspayed unless a spay certificate signed by a veterinarian is exhibited to the Clerk of the City when the license application is made. License fees shall be increased on March 1 of each year to five dollars ($5.00) for each male or spayed female dog and eight dollars ($8.00) for each unspayed female dog.
   C.   The owner shall state at the time the application for a license is made and upon a printed form provided for such purpose his name and address and a description of the dog to be licensed in such manner that the dog may be identified with reasonable certainty.
   D.   Upon payment of the applicable license fee, the Clerk of the City shall issue a receipt to the owner. Such receipt shall constitute the license. Such receipt shall contain the name and address of the owner, the amount of the license fee paid and a description of the dog which is licensed.
   E.   Each license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be valid until and including December 31 of the calendar year for which the license is issued, and shall be renewed annually upon the payment of the license fee provided in this section. Such renewal shall be effective as of January 1 and shall be made not later than March 1. A two dollar ($2.00) fine will be charged if a dog license is purchased after March 1. (Ord. 221 § 1, 1980: Ord. 180 § 2, 1968)