(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell through a retail food store, mobile retail food store, or temporary retail food store, any food which is unwholesome, adulterated or misbranded.
(B) Samples of food may be taken and examined by the Health Officer as often as may be necessary to determine freedom from contamination, unwholesomeness, adulteration or misbranding. The Health Officer may on written notice to the owner or operator, impound, embargo, and forbid the sale of any food which is unwholesome, adulterated or misbranded; or which he has probable cause to believe is unfit for human consumption, unwholesome, adulterated or misbranded; provided that in the case of misbranding such food may be released to the owner or operator for proper labeling under the supervision of the Health Officer.
(BC Ord. 7-1986, passed 8-19-86)