It shall be the duty of each licensee under this article to clean up the premises where his Christmas tree sales business was conducted within 15 days after Christmas and remove all leftover trees, branches, paper, waste and debris therefrom. The licensee's cash deposit shall not be refunded until after certification by the city clerk that the premises have been properly cleaned up, and that the licensee has paid the sales tax applicable to his Christmas tree sales business under the provisions of Act No. 167 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1933 (MCL 205.51 et seq., MSA 7.521 et seq.), as amended. If the premises are not properly cleaned up as herein required within 15 days after Christmas, the city may cause such premises to be cleaned up, and the costs thereof shall be certified by the city clerk to the director of finance, and such costs shall be deducted from the cash deposit before refund to the licensee. Such cash deposit, or the balance thereof, shall be refunded within 30 days after certification by the city clerk.
(Ord. No. 81-98, ยง 5, 11-4-81)