(a) In all cases where the certification of the police chief is required prior to the issuance of any license by the city clerk, such certification shall be based upon a finding that the person making application for such license is of good moral character.
(b) The phrase "good moral character," when used in this chapter for the purpose of licensing, shall be construed to mean the propensity on the part of the person to serve the public in the licensed area in a fair, honest and open manner.
(c) A judgment of guilt in a criminal prosecution or a judgment in a civil action shall not be used, in and of itself, as proof of a person's lack of good moral character. It may be used as evidence in the determination, and, when so used, the person shall be notified and shall be permitted to rebut the evidence by showing that at the current time he has the ability and is likely to serve the public in a fair, honest and open manner, that he is rehabilitated, or that the substance of the former offense is not reasonably related to the occupation or profession for which he seeks to be licensed.
(d) The following criminal records shall not be used, examined or requested by the city in a determination of good moral character:
(1) Records of an arrest not followed by a conviction.
(2) Records of a conviction which has been reversed or vacated, including the arrest records relevant to that conviction.
(3) Records of an arrest or conviction for a misdemeanor or a felony unrelated to the person's likelihood to serve the public in a fair, honest and open manner.
(4) Records of an arrest or conviction for a misdemeanor for the conviction of which a person may not be incarcerated in a jail or prison.
(e) When a person is found to be unqualified for a license because of a lack of good moral character, or similar criteria, the person shall be furnished by the city clerk with a statement to that effect. The statement shall contain a complete record of the evidence upon which the determination was based. The person shall be entitled, as of right, to a rehearing on the issue before the council if he has relevant evidence not previously considered regarding his qualifications.
This section shall not bar the use by the city in its determination of a person's fitness, of any other public record, not related to arrest or prosecution, or of any other source of unbiased and accurate information.
State Law reference— Similar provisions, MCL 338.41 et seq., MSA 18.1208(1) et seq.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, every license issued by the clerk shall be for a period of one full year commencing with the date of issuance of the first license.
(b) Renewal notices will be mailed to all licensees by the city clerk prior to the expiration of the license. The licensee must enclose payment with his renewal notice and return it to the city clerk prior to the expiration date in order to have his license renewed for another year. License renewals may be effected by mail up to the expiration date of the license; after that date the licensee must renew in person. Licensees who renew more than seven days late will be assessed a ten percent penalty on the total cost of the license.
(c) The following licenses will expire on December 1 annually: distributor, distributor equipment, hauling vehicle, junk dealer vehicle, motor bus, exhibitors, moving van, fuel oil truck, and vendor vehicle. Dog licenses shall expire on March 1 annually unless otherwise stated in this chapter or the Code (See sections 4-23 and 12-6 specifically). The following licenses shall expire on December 31 annually: building contractor, building contractor registration, building subcontractor registration, concrete contractor, electrical contractor registration, excavating contractor and equipment, tank installer, fire repair contractor, mechanical contractor registration (heating, cooling, ventilation, refrigeration), plumbing contractor registration, sign/awning erector contractor, tent erector contractor, and drainlayer contractor. Registration of reciprocal licenses will expire at the time the original license expires.
(Ord. No. 81-25, § 4, 6-2-81; Ord. No. 84-308, 7-3-84; Ord. No. 05-1040, 6-6-05; Ord. No. 23-1803, 10-10-23; Ord. No. 24-1827, 10-22-24)
The various businesses, trades, occupations or professions enumerated in this section shall pay a license fee as established in this schedule. Unless otherwise specified, the fee shall be on an annual basis. The fee for replacement of lost or duplicate licenses shall be half the annual fee, or$40.00, whichever is less, unless otherwise indicated in this schedule.
Amusement | $50.00 |
Apartment (ten or less units) | 100.00 |
Apartment (more than ten units), per unit | 10.00 |
Athletic club | 100.00 |
Auctioneer (single-day) | 25.00 |
Auctioneer (annual) | 100.00 |
Automobile parts and accessories (new or used) | 50.00 |
Awning erector | 50.00 |
Bed and breakfast | 300.00 |
Billiard room (each table) | 10.00 |
Block party | 25.00 |
Boiler operator, high-pressure | 50.00 |
Boiler operator, low-pressure | 40.00 |
Bowling alley | 100.00 |
Building contractor | 40.00 |
Building contractor registration | 40.00 |
Building subcontractor registration | 40.00 |
Card or game room | 50.00 |
Carnival | 300.00 |
Carnival deposit (for grounds cleanup) | 1,500.00 |
Concrete contractor | 50.00 |
Chief powerhouse stationary engineer | 100.00 |
Christmas trees | 150.00 |
Circus | 300.00 |
Circus deposit (for grounds cleanup) | 1,500.00 |
Coffeehouse | 50.00 |
Concrete supplier | 250.00 |
Distributor, vending machine | 40.00 |
Distributor equipment, each machine; not amusement devices | 20.00 |
Distributor, amusement device only | 300.00 |
Dog, (1-year license, expires March 1) The following fees take effect March 1, 2025: | $20.00 for unsterilized dog with no microchip, or $10.00 for spayed or neutered dogs $15.00 for unsterilized dog with a microchip $10.00 for sterilized dog with or without microchip |
Dog (3-year license, expires March 1) The following fees take effect March 1, 2025: | $60.00 for unsterilized dog with no microchip $45.00 for unsterilized dog with a microchip $30.00 for sterilized dog with or without microchip |
Dog [license with automatic renewal (no additional fee)] The following fee takes effect March 1, 2025: | $100.00 for sterilized dog with microchip |
A $3.00 processing fee will be added for mailing any dog license and tag. | |
Drain layer contractor | 50.00 |
Drive-in theater | 600.00 |
Electrical contractor registration | 40.00 |
Escrow license, type | 40.00 |
Exhibitor (expires December 1) | 75.00 |
Exhibitor equipment (each amusement device, expires December 1) | 50.00 |
Explosives contractor | 35.00 |
Fire repair contractor | 50.00 |
Fire sale (30 days only) | 75.00 |
Fire sale renewal (maximum of 2) | 75.00 |
Flea market | 250.00 |
Food establishment | 140.00 |
31-50 seats | 192.00 |
51-100 seats | 237.00 |
101-150 seats | 280.00 |
More than 150 seats | 315.00 |
Satellites (each satellite) | 85.00 |
Catering kitchen and/or commissary food | 315.00 |
Food truck | 200.00 |
Fuel oil truck | 40.00 |
Garage sale | 10.00 |
Garage sale (second sale) | 15.00 |
Garage sale (third sale) | 20.00 |
Garage sale (fourth sale) | 25.00 |
Garage sale advertisement fee | 10.00 |
Going-out-of-business sale (30 days only) | 65.00 |
Going-out-of-business sale renewal (maximum of 2) | 65.00 |
Golf course | 500.00 |
Hauling vehicle, each vehicle | 40.00 |
Hotel, per room | 10.00 |
Junk dealer vehicle, each vehicle | 40.00 |
Junkyard | 200.00 |
Lodging or rooming house | 35.00 |
Manager, motel, hotel, apartment, rooming house, coffee house, athletic club | 50.00 |
Mechanical contractor registration (heating, cooling, ventilation, refrigeration) | 15.00 |
Mechanical excavating and grading | 50.00 |
Mechanical excavating and grading equipment, each | 30.00 |
Motel, per room | 5.00 |
Motor bus, 1 to 300 each | 50.00 |
Motor bus, over 300, no further charge | n/c |
Motor supply station | 75.00 |
Motor vehicle for hire | 50.00 |
Motor vehicle parts recycling | 100.00 |
Moving contractor | 200.00 |
Moving van, each vehicle | 30.00 |
Nightclub and nightclub promoter | 200.00 |
Plumbing contractor registration | 40.00 |
Refrigeration contractor registration | 40.00 |
Refrigeration operator, first class | 60.00 |
Refrigeration operator, second class | 50.00 |
Secondhand dealer | 75.00 |
Sidewalk sale | 35.00 |
Sign erector | 50.00 |
Solicitor or vendor | 50.00 |
Stationary engineer, first class | 95.00 |
Stationary engineer, second class | 85.00 |
Stationary engineer, third class | 75.00 |
Stationary engineer/facilities engineer | 100.00 |
Tank installer | 50.00 |
Taxicab, expires June 30 | 100.00 |
Taxicab driver | 25.00 |
Tent erector | 50.00 |
Theatre | 150.00 |
Tobacco | 500.00 |
Transient merchant, first 30 days or less | 250.00 |
Transient merchant renewal, each additional 30 days in one year | 100.00 |
Tree removal | 50.00 |
Turbine and reciprocating engineer operator | 50.00 |
Used motor vehicle lot | 200.00 |
Valet parking | 300.00 |
Vendor vehicle | 150.00 |
Welder | 30.00 |
(Ord. No. 81-25, § 5, 6-2-81; Ord. No. 81-192, 12-1-81; Ord. No. 81-192, 12-1-81; Ord. No. 82-214, 3-16-82; Ord. No. 82-214, 3-16-82; Ord. No. 82-233, 6-15-82; Ord. No. 84-308, 7-3-84; Ord. No. 85-333, 8-6-85; Ord. No. 85-337, 9-17-85; Ord. No. 89-441, 2-21-89; Ord. No. 90-479, 2-6-90; Ord. No. 95-633, 4-18-95; Ord. No. 96-670, 5-21-96; Ord. No. 96-685, 10-10-96; Ord. No. 98-741, 10-20-98; Ord. No. 05-1040, 6-6-05; Ord. No. 06-1113, 12-18-06; Ord. No. 10-1280, 6-21-10; Ord. No. 11-1323, 5-16-11; Ord. No. 17-1590, 8-15-17; Ord. No. 19-1641, 1-29-19; Ord. No. 19-1650, 5-21-19; Ord. No. 22-1724, 2-8-22; Ord. No. 22-1725, 1-25-22; Ord. No. 23-1803, 10-10-23; Ord. No. 24-1824, 10-8-24)
Applications for all licenses must be referred to the police department and fire department, for approval, with the exception of the following, auctioneer, dog, garage sale, going-out-of-business sale, hauling vehicle, junk dealer vehicle, manager, motor vehicle for hire, moving van, solicitor, tobacco. Vendor vehicles must be referred to the police department for approval. Taxicabs and taxicab drivers must be referred to the police department only for approval. Motor buses must be referred to the police department. The applicant shall not be in default under the provisions of this chapter or indebted or obligated for personal property taxes to the city, and all businesses shall have received a tax clearance from the city treasurer before a license can be issued. If no disapproval is received by the city clerk within one month, she/he is then authorized to issue the license.
(Ord. No. 81-25, § 6, 6-2-81; Ord. No. 83-282, 9-6-83; Ord. No. 05-1040, 6-6-05)
(a) The city clerk shall send a notice of renewal to all affected departments at least 45 days prior to the expiration of any license. Upon receipt of fees, the city clerk shall issue all renewal licenses immediately unless refusal is requested in writing by affected city departments. The clerk shall then correspond with the licensee concerning such refusal in accord with suspension and revocation provisions of this chapter. An application for renewal will not be considered a renewal if there has been a change in business or owner.
(b) If a licensee who is not actively engaged in the occupation for which a license was issued desires to obtain an escrow license for the annual fee in lieu of a regular annual license, the licensee shall so respond upon receipt of the notice of renewal. The city clerk shall renew such escrow licenses on an annual basis if requested by the licensee. If an individual with as [an] escrow license desires to activate the escrow license on a single occasion during the escrow license period, one-half of the regular fee shall be paid to the city clerk. If the escrow licensee desires to perform services under the authority of a regular license on more than one occasion during the license period, the full license fee shall be paid. An escrow license may be renewed for up to five continuous years without the applicant/licensee required to take additional instruction or a competitive test, unless required by state law.
(Ord. No. 81-25, § 8, 6-2-81; Ord. No. 83-284, 10-4-83)
With the exception of metal dog tags, no identification cards or metal badges shall be issued by the city clerk. Fingerprinting of a licensee, other than taxicab drivers, shall not be required. Bonds shall not be required.
(Ord. No. 81-25, § 9, 6-2-81)
Every vehicle licensed as a coal dealer vehicle, concrete supplier vehicle, mechanical excavating and grading vehicle, hauling vehicle, junk dealer vehicle, motor bus, moving van, fuel oil truck, food truck, taxicab or vendor vehicle shall display a vehicle tag in either a rear or left side window, or a metal license plate affixed to the rear of the vehicle, indicating that the vehicle has been licensed for the current year.
(Ord. No. 81-25, § 10, 6-2-81; Ord. No. 22-1724, 2-8-22)
The city clerk, upon his own investigation or upon the investigation and complaint of any other city department properly charged with the enforcement of any applicable city ordinance, may order any license issued to be suspended or revoked. The notices of suspension or revocation shall be in writing and shall reasonably apprise the affected person of the reasons for such suspension or revocation. Depositing such notice in the United States mail shall constitute service thereof.
(Ord. No. 81-25, § 11, 6-2-81)