Sec. 19-43. - Establishment of Local Water System Advisory Council.
   (a)   Intent. Pursuant to the Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act, being 1976 PA 399, MCL 325.1001 to 325.1023, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, on June 14, 2018 promulgated new Regulation 325.10410(7), which requires "each water supply that serves a population of 50,000 or more" to create a Water System Advisory Council to, inter alia, coordinate public awareness campaigns concerning lead in drinking water and to collaborate with local community groups to ensure that residents have the opportunity to be involved in efforts to educate the community about lead in drinking water.
   (b)   Establishment and operation of Water System Advisory Council. The Dearborn Water System Advisory Council ("Advisory Council") is hereby established. The Water System Advisory Council shall operate as follows:
      (1)   The Advisory Council shall consist of at least five members, one of whom is appointed by the Dearborn City Council, and other four being appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Dearborn City Council. To be eligible for appointment to the Advisory Council, an individual shall have a demonstrated interest in or knowledge about lead in drinking water and its effects. At least one member must be a local resident who does not formally represent the interests of any incorporated organization.
      (2)   The business that the Advisory Council may perform shall be conducted at a public meeting and held in compliance with the open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261, et.seq.
      (3)   The first meeting of the Advisory Council shall be convened by the Mayor. At the first meeting, the Advisory Council shall elect from its members a chairperson, secretary and other officers as it considers necessary or appropriate. After the first meeting, the Advisory Council shall meet annually at a date and time established by the Advisory Council.
      (4)   A writing prepared, owned, used, in the possession of or retained by the Advisory Council in the performance of an official function is subject to the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231, et. seq.
      (5)   The Advisory Council shall do the following:
         a.   Develop plans for continuing public awareness about lead in drinking water, even when the "action level", i.e., the concentration of lead or copper in water as specified Michigan Administrative Rule 325.10604f(1)(c), is not exceeded;
         b.   Review public awareness campaign materials provided by the statewide drinking water advisory council to ensure that the needs and interests of the community, considering the economic and cultural diversity of its residents, are addressed;
         c.   Advise and consult with the city on the development of appropriate plans for remediation and public education to be implemented if a lead action level is exceeded;
         d.   Advise and consult with the city on efforts to replace private lead service lines at locations where the owner declined lead service replacement;
         e.   Assist in promoting transparency of all data and documents related to lead in drinking water within the city water supply service area;
         f.   Collaborate with local community groups to ensure that residents have the opportunity to be involved in efforts to educate the community about lead in drinking water;
         g.   The Advisory Council may independently seek advice, direction and assistance from the MDEQ or the statewide advisory council.
(Ord. 18-1633, 1-15-19; Ord. No. 19-1660, 9-10-19)