Sec. 2.12. - Lighting.
   A.   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide reasonable regulations to direct the location, design, illumination level and use of outdoor lighting to minimize its undesirable effects. Specifically, this section is intended to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the City by:
      1.   Creating well-maintained, vibrant and attractive residential and business neighborhoods.
      2.   Supporting the Master Plan's various character areas such as Great Neighborhoods, Main Street Michigan Avenue and Destination Commercial Districts, as well as supporting the purposes and recommendations of various area specific plans and special plans adopted in support of orderly development of the City.
      3.   Maintaining safe night-time driver performance on public streets by minimizing lighting glare.
      4.   Encouraging lighting that provides security but protects the privacy of adjacent properties.
      5.   Allowing lighting that is not unduly intrusive or a nuisance to nearby residents, property occupants, and drivers.
      6.   Eliminating artificial light and lighting that unnecessarily contributes to sky glow and energy consumption.
   B.   Lighting plan. The following information shall be included for all site plan reviews. Where site plan review is not required, one (1) or more of the following items may be required by the Zoning Administrator prior to lighting installation to verify compliance with this section:
      1.   A plan showing the location and type of all existing and proposed light fixtures.
      2.   A photometric plan which includes lighting levels at ground level based on no greater than a twenty-five (25) feet on-center grid and shall project twenty-five (25) feet onto adjacent properties or to the setback limit line, whichever is greater. Illumination levels shall also be measured for all surrounding streets at the public right-of-way.
      3.   Manufacturer's specifications and cut-sheets for all proposed lighting fixtures and lamps (bulbs), including mounting heights.
   C.   Site lighting. 
      1.   Type. All site lighting, including, but not limited to, free-standing, canopy, pole, building mounted, window/window frame/window opening mounted (visible from outside the building), and landscape, shall be fully shielded and directed downward to prevent off-site glare and illumination.
      2.   Intensity. The intensity of light within a site shall not exceed ten (10) foot-candles within any part of the site and one and one-half (1.5) foot-candles at any lot line. Exceptions:
         a.   Where a site abuts or faces a residential zoning district or residential use, a maximum of one-half (0.5) foot-candles is permitted at the lot line of the site.
         b.   Approved outdoor sales areas and the areas under fuel station canopies may have up to a maximum of twenty (20) foot-candles of illumination within the interior of the site so long as they meet the applicable lighting intensity limits listed above at the lot lines.
      3.   Uniformity ratios. In order to maintain uniformity in light levels across a development and prevent or minimize dark areas, the ratio of maximum to minimum lighting levels on a given lot is measured in foot-candles at ground level, and shall not exceed a ratio of fifteen-to-one (15:1).
      4.   Height. Except as otherwise noted below or in this section, light fixtures shall not exceed thirty (30) feet in height.
         a.   Fixtures for nonresidential uses that are located in a residential zoning district or within two hundred (200) feet of such a district shall not exceed the following light source to ground level height limits:
            i.   Twenty-two and one-half (22.5) feet, including a two and one-half (2.5)-foot base, for parking lots.
            ii.   Twenty (20) feet for sidewalks and pathways.
         b.   Fixtures attached to ground poles for residential uses shall not exceed eight (8) feet.
         c.   Fixtures in commercial or industrial zoning districts (not within two hundred (200) feet of a residential zoning district): The Planning Commission may, as part of a site plan review, permit fixtures up to the maximum building height permitted in the district based upon a finding that the proposed lighting configuration would not have negative off-site impacts.
      5.   Hours. All site lighting fixtures shall be turned off one (1) hour after close of business, unless needed for safety and security (typically this would be entrance, walkway and parking lot lighting). In such case, the lighting shall be reduced to the minimum level necessary for that purpose.
      6.   Fixtures. 
         a.   All outdoor fixtures, including building mounted fixtures, shall be full cut-off, shielded fixtures.
         b.   Poles for lighting fixtures shall be of a fixed height. Adjustable poles are prohibited.
         c.   The Planning Commission may, as part of a site plan review, approve decorative fixtures as an alternative to shielded fixtures based upon a finding that there would be no off-site glare or illumination and that the proposed fixtures will improve the appearance of the site.
   D.   Architectural lighting. When buildings and structures are to be illuminated, the Zoning Administrator shall approve a design for illumination using the following standards:
      1.   Direction of lights. Lighting fixtures shall be carefully located, aimed and shielded so that light is directed only onto the building façade. Lighting fixtures shall not be directed toward adjacent streets or properties, and light shall not trespass onto surrounding properties.
      2.   Façade lighting. Lighting fixtures mounted on the building or in/around windows and designed to "wash" the façade with light are permitted.
      3.   Accent lighting. 
         a.   Commercial zoning districts. Lighting may be allowed as an architectural detail in commercial zoning districts, provided that exposed bulbs shall be shielded. The Zoning Administrator may approve internally illuminated architectural bands or similar shielded accents upon determining that such accents would not cause off-site glare or light pollution and such lighting is not used to the extent that it constitutes a sign.
         b.   Residential zoning districts. Lighting shall be prohibited in the front yard of lots located in residential zoning districts unless it is a temporary display. A temporary display is permitted for sixty (60) consecutive days and must be disassembled and removed from the structure within that timeframe.
      4.   Landscape lighting. The illumination of landscaping shall not generate light levels and glare beyond the landscaping area.
   E.   Other lighting. 
      1.   Indirect illumination of signs, canopies, bollards and buildings is permitted provided the resulting lighting does not violate other provisions of this section related to maximum lighting levels within and at the lot line of the site or any applicable sections of the sign ordinance.
      2.   Electrical feeds to lighting standards shall run underground, not overhead.
      3.   The use of a laser light source, search lights or any similar high intensity light for outdoor advertising or entertainment is prohibited.
      4.   Lighting shall not consist of or have the appearance of movement or flashing.
   F.   Exemptions. The following site lighting fixtures are exempt from the provisions of this section:
      1.   Porch lights: Single or double bulb residential light fixtures utilizing standardly configured light bulbs having a maximum output equivalent to a one hundred fifty-(150)-watt incandescent light bulb. Such fixtures shall not create glare onto adjacent properties and roadways so as to create a nuisance or safety concern.
      2.   Streetlights located within a public right-of-way.
      3.   Lighting necessary for street and utility construction or emergencies.
      4.   Lighting necessary for baseball, softball, football and soccer fields, or similar uses that cannot reasonably comply with the standards and provide sufficient illumination of the recreational field for safe use. The fixtures shall be aimed so that their beams are directed and fall within the primary playing or performance area. Lights shall be extinguished within one (1) hour of the completion of the event.
      5.   Government facilities, parks and open areas, public utility facilities, and uses where sensitive or dangerous materials are located may submit a Site Security Plan to the Zoning Administrator requesting outdoor lighting that deviates from the standards in this section. The Plan shall be approved, or approved with conditions, upon finding:
         a.   The lighting is necessary for adequate protection of the public;
         b.   The condition, location, or use of the land, or history of activity in the area, indicates the land or any materials stored or used on it are in danger of theft or damage, or members of the public are at risk for harm; and
         c.   The deviations from this section shall not have a adverse effect on the neighboring areas.
(Ord. No. 93-553, § 2.12, 2-2-1993; Ord. No. 17-1566, 1-31-2017)