Section 6.6. - Compensation of officers and employees.
   The Council shall fix the compensation of appointive offices prior to appointments to the office. The persons so appointed shall receive only one salary which shall, together with such other remuneration as specified in the resolution of the Council, be in full compensation for the appointees' services to the City and shall not receive any other compensation from the City.
   Any elective or appointive officer of the City who receives payment of any kind, other than that specified in this charter, for services rendered in the performance of official duties shall immediately surrender such payment to the general fund of the City.
   There is hereby created a Local Officials Compensation Commission who shall determine the compensation of elective officials based upon standard compensation principles and procedures. The meetings, membership, terms and manner of filling vacancies of the Local Officials Compensation Commission shall be as provided in Public Act No. 8 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1972 as amended by MCL 117.5c.
   The determination of the commission, with respect to the compensation of the Councilmembers, shall be voted upon within 30 days following its filing with the City Clerk and shall be effective when approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the members elected to and serving on the City Council. If the determination is rejected, the current compensation shall continue.
   Any change in compensation for the Mayor will go into effect when the recommendation of the Local Officials Compensation Commission is affirmed within 30 days to the Human Resources Administrator by the Mayor. Any change in compensation for the Clerk will go into effect when the recommendation of the Local Officials Compensation Commission is affirmed within 30 days to the Human Resources Administrator by the Clerk.
   The compensation of other employees shall be as provided in the applicable collective bargaining agreement. If there is not a collective bargaining agreement, compensation shall be as determined by the City Council.
State Law reference— Mandatory that Charter provide for compensation of its officers, MCL 117.3(d), MSA 5.2073(d).