Section 3.4. - Board of ethics.
   A Board of Ethics is created consisting of the Corporation Counsel and the Human Resources Administrator, either of whom may serve by deputy, and five private persons appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council. Members of the Board shall serve without compensation.
   The primary function of the Board of Ethics is to render advisory opinions to officers and employees and conduct investigations with respect to the meaning and application of provisions of the Charter and ordinances establishing standards of conduct for the City service. The Board shall establish procedure to register an inquiry. During the course of an investigation, the identity of persons concerned shall not be disclosed unless such disclosure is required by law. The Board may authorize the issuance of subpoenas through the Office of Corporation Counsel for documents and witnesses but only after a written request to appear or provide documents has not been complied with. Advisory opinions shall be rendered upon written request by an officer or employee and shall be published by the Board.
   The Board of Ethics may recommend improvement in the standards of conduct for the City service or in the organization and procedures related to the administration and enforcement of those standards.