(A)   Order of business. Each meeting of the Council shall convene at the time and place appointed therefor. Council business shall be conducted in the following order:
      (1)   Call to order;
      (2)   Approval of minutes;
      (3)   Open forum;
      (4)   Payment of claims;
      (5)   Public hearings;
      (6)   Consent agenda;
      (7)   Petitions, requests and communications;
      (8)   Ordinances and resolutions;
      (9)   Reports of officers, boards and committees;
      (10)   Unfinished business;
      (11)   New business;
      (12)   Miscellaneous; and
      (13)   Adjournment.
   (B)   Variance of order. The order of proceedings may be altered by motion or consensus of the Council.
   (C)   Agenda. An agenda of business for each regular Council meeting shall be prepared and filed in the office of the Clerk not later than the Wednesday next preceding the meeting. The agenda shall be prepared in accordance with the order of business and copies thereof shall be delivered to each Council member and to the City Attorney as far in advance of the meeting as time for preparation will permit. No item of business shall be considered unless it appears on the agenda for the meeting, but the Council may, by motion, in its discretion, consider matters not appearing on the agenda.
   (D)   Consent agenda. Any number of items of a routine nature, including, but not limited to, license renewals, authorizations for purchase and other matters not requiring Council debate, may be placed on the consent agenda by the Clerk in the preparation of the agenda. The consent agenda shall have the description of the item considered, costs, if any, and such other information as is necessary to enable the Council to render a decision. All, or any, of the items on the consent agenda may be moved as a whole with one motion. Failure to adopt or pass an item on the consent agenda will cause it to be placed under the new business category of the agenda for that meeting and considered at that time.
   (E)   Open forum. There shall be reserved at the beginning of each Council meeting a period of 20 minutes, or such shorter period as needed, at approximately 7:10 p.m., for any person to address the Council on city matters. Each speaker shall be registered and be limited to five minutes, or as set by the Mayor. The Council will not take action on any items initially raised during the open forum, except in the case of emergency, other than placement on a later agenda or referral to an appropriate city officer or employee.
(1978 Code, § 201.04) (Ord. 85-2, passed 2-19-1985)