Residential composting shall be permitted in any residential district or private residential lot, in compliance with this section.
   (A)   No residential composting shall be permitted on any lot in any district prior to the time of construction of the principal dwelling.
   (B)   Residential composting shall only be done in an enclosure and in a manner that prevents blowing of materials, odors and other nuisance.
   (C)   All containers used in residential composting shall be located in the rear yard between the rear property line and the rear of the principal dwelling no closer than three feet to any property line, no closer than 20 feet to any residential building.
   (D)   All containers shall conform to the following maximum total square footage allowances. In no event shall any enclosure container on any lot in any district exceed 50 total square feet in area or four feet in height.
If the lot size is...
...then the area covered by the container(s) shall be no larger than
Less than 2 acres
25 square feet
2 acres or more
50 square feet
   (E)   Residential compost material shall be limited to grass, leaves and soft herbaceous garden debris, and shall not include food waste, animal waste, plastic, garbage, refuse, sewage or other debris.
   (F)   Compost material shall include only yard waste that has been generated on the lot on which the composting site is located and shall not include waste of any kind that has been generated somewhere else and transported to the composting site.
   (G)   The humus created by composting shall be used only for the purpose of fertilizing the lot on which the composting site is located.
(1978 Code, § 510.02) (Ord. 90-10, passed 4-16-1990) Penalty, see § 90.99