A UAV may be operated within city air space for any of the following exceptions:
   (A)   A law enforcement agency first obtains a warrant authorizing its use; or
   (B)   A law enforcement agency may use a UAV under the following exceptions without a warrant:
      (1)   During or in the aftermath of an emergency situation that involves the risk of death or bodily harm to a person;
      (2)   Over a public event where there is a heightened risk to the safety of participants or bystanders;
      (3)   To counter the risk of a terrorist attack by a specific individual or organization if the agency determines that credible intelligence indicates a risk;
      (4)   To prevent the loss of life and property in natural or manmade disasters and to facilitate operational planning, rescue, and recovery operations in the aftermath of these disasters;
      (5)   To conduct a threat assessment in anticipation of a specific event;
      (6)   To collect information from a public area if there is reasonable suspicion of criminal activity;
      (7)   To collect information for crash reconstruction purposes after a serious or deadly collision occurring on a public road;
      (8)   Over a public area for officer training or public relations purposes; and
      (9)   For purposes unrelated to law enforcement at the request of a government entity provided that the request is in writing and specifies the reason for the request and a proposed period of use.
   (C)   An operator of a UAV who is hired for the purposes of creating/producing aerial photography by an owner of real property, and the unmanned aerial vehicle is operated only within the boundaries of that owner's real property.
   (D)   At events approved by the City Council.
(Ord. 2024-03, passed 2-26-2024)