§ 96.64 INSURANCE.
   Unless otherwise provided in a valid franchise agreement or interlocal agreement with the city, each registrant shall procure and maintain the following insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of registrant in the installation, construction, repair, maintenance, or operation of facilities in the city:
   (A)   Commercial general liability insurance with:
      (1)   Limits of not less than three million dollars ($3,000,000.00).
      (2)   Products-completed operations coverage.
      (3)   Personal and advertising injury coverage.
      (4)   Explosion, collapse and underground coverage.
         (a)   In addition, such insurance shall name the following as additional insureds on the policy: “Dayton, its elected and appointed officials, employees, and, to the extent they have an insurable interest, its agents, boards, consultants, assigns, volunteers and successors in interest.”
         (b)   Registrant’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the city. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the city shall be in excess of the registrant’s insurance and shall not contribute to it.
         (c)   Registrant agrees coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice to the city.
      (2)   Comprehensive automobile liability insurance providing limits of not less than three million dollars ($3,000,000.00).
      (3)   Workers’ compensation insurance as required by the Kentucky Revised Statutes.
      (4)   The registrant shall abide by all local, state, and federal insurance regulations.
      (5)   Insurance is to be placed with insurers qualified to do business in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
      (6)   Registrant shall furnish to the city certificates of insurance reflecting the above coverages, and registrant agrees to provide the city with the following:
         (a)   Signed renewal certificates for expiring policies; and
         (b)   New certificates of insurance if policies or carriers change, showing compliance with the above insurance requirements.
(Ord. 2022-27, passed 12-6-22)