The final plat of the subdivision shall be drawn in black, waterproof india ink on polyester base film or some other equally substantial drawing material so that good legible prints, negatives and half-size reproductions can be made. The dimensions of each sheet of said plat shall be 24 by 36 inches and shall have a border line and a margin outside the border line of two inches on the left side and 1/2 inch on all other sides. The final plat shall be drawn at a scale of one inch to 100 feet or greater. Where necessary, the final plat may be on several sheets accompanied by an index showing the entire subdivision. The particular number of the sheet, the total number of sheets and the relation of each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown by a small key map on each sheet. Each sheet of said plat shall show the date of the survey, north point and scale - written and graphic. The final plat shall contain a vicinity map showing the location of the subdivision with relation to at least one east-west and one north-south major arterial. The final plat shall further show the following, including all mathematical information and data necessary to locate and retrace any of the required data thereon.
(A) Information to be contained on final plat.
(1) The boundary lines of the subdivision shall be drawn in heavy solid lines with accurate lengths and bearings. These boundaries shall be determined by an accurate survey in the field, which shall be balanced and closed. All lines shown on the plat which do not constitute a part of the subdivision shall be dashed. Any area enclosed by the subdivision, but not a part thereof, shall be labeled "Not A Part of This Subdivision".
(2) The exact locations and the widths of all existing or recorded streets, intersecting or paralleling the boundaries of the subdivision at least within 100 feet.
(3) The exact location and width of all abutting lot lines. Names of recorded owners of adjoining unplatted land and reference to subdivision plats of adjoining platted land by name, plat book, and page.
(4) The boundary line of the proposed subdivision shall be tied by bearings and distances to a selected point or points (described on the plat) on the nearest established centerline or right-of-way line of any street or highway or a previously established monument(s), (in which the location of said monument shall be identified and accurately described on the plat).
(5) Municipal or county lines.
(6) The exact layout of the subdivision showing:
(a) Street and alley centerlines and right-of-way lines (including the right-of-way width and locations of adjacent streets and other public property within at least 100 feet of the subdivision shall be graphically shown); street names and bearings and distances along centerlines.
(b) Sufficient linear, angular and curve data (at least delta, radius, and length of curve) to readily determine the bearing and length of the boundary lines of every block, lot and tract which is a part of the subdivision.
(c) All easements or other rights-of-way. (The limitation of the easement rights shall be definitely stated or referenced on the plat.)
(d) All lot lines with dimensions and interior angles to street and alley lines.
(7) Setback building lines with dimensions from the edge of the street right-of-way line shown in a fine dashed line and labeled "Minimum Building Setback Line".
(8) All blocks and lots numbered or lettered in a consecutive manner with no omissions or duplications. Ditto marks shall not be used for lot dimensions. Tracts offered for dedication, other than for streets or easements shall be designated by letter or number.
(9) All permanent monuments set or to be set shall be shown on the final plat (See Section 7.11 (A) and 7.11 (B)):
(a) The location of all monuments placed in making the survey shall be shown on the plat.
(b) Concrete and metal monuments depressed below street grade with cast iron ring and cover of a type approved by the Planning Commission, or its duly authorized representative, shall be set at intersections of street centerlines or offsets therefrom, but within the paved area. The exact location of all such monuments shall be shown on the final plat before approval is requested.
(c) Any monument as required by these regulations, that is disturbed or destroyed before acceptance of all improvements, shall be replaced by the subdivider or developer.
(10) The accurate outline of all property which is offered for dedication for public use, with the purpose indicated thereon, and of all property that may be reserved by deed restriction or protective covenant in the deed for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision.
(11) Deed restrictions and protective covenants either placed directly on the final plat or attached thereto in form for recording. If recorded separately, reference to the restrictions shall be made on the final plat.
(12) Elevation and flood profiles shall be shown on the final plat if required (as determined as per Section 6.4 (A) of these regulations).
(13) The easements along the lot sidelines shall be shown by a fine dashed line and clearly labeled and identified on the plat. If the easement is being dedicated by the plat, it shall be properly set out in the owner's certificate of dedication. If an easement shown on the plat is already of record, its recorded reference must be given.
(14) Name of the subdivision and name or number of the large subdivision or tract of which the tract now being subdivided forms a part.
(15) North-point (showing true north), written and graphic, scale, and date.
(16) Total site data including acreage, number of lots, area of smallest lot, in square feet, and number of square feet or acres in parks and other public uses.
(17) The following certificates, acknowledgements and descriptions shall appear on the title sheet of the final plat. Such certificates may be combined when appropriate. (Representative certificates, acknowledgements and approvals that shall be used on the final plat appear in Attachment D of these regulations.)
(a) Certificate by parties holding title. A notarized certificate shall be signed and acknowledged by all parties having any title interest in the land subdivided, consenting to the preparation and recording of said plat, providing, however, that the signature of parties owning the following types of interest may be omitted if their names and nature of their interest are set forth on the plat.
1. Rights-of-way, easements, or other interest that cannot ripen into a fee.
2. Rights-of-way, easements, or revisions that appear to be no longer of potential use or value, due to changed conditions, long disuse, or laches.
3. Any subdivision including land originally patented by the United States or Kentucky, under patent, reserving interest to either or both of these entities, may be recorded under the provisions of this regulation without the consent of the United States or of Kentucky thereto, or to dedication made thereon.
(b) Dedication certificates. A notarized certificate shall be signed and acknowledged as required in Section 5.0(A)(17)(a) offering for dedication all parcels of land shown on the final plat and intended for public dedication, except those parcels other than streets which are intended for the exclusive use of the lot owners in the subdivision or development, their licenses, visitors, tenants, and servants. This certification shall also show that there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments against the land contained in the plat
(c) Certificate and guarantee of clear title. The final plat shall be accompanied by a statement prepared by a duly authorized title company or a Kentucky licensed attorney, stating that the signatures of all persons whose consent is necessary to the preparation and recording of said plat and to the dedication of the streets and other public places are clearly shown on the plat.
(d) Surveyor's certificate. A notarized certificate shall be signed by a registered land surveyor, in Kentucky, stating that he is responsible for the survey and that the final plat accurately depicts the subdivision and the survey. The signature of such surveyor must be accompanied by his seal and registration number.
(e) Legal description of property. The legal description shall be an accurate reflection of the boundary survey. Each reference in such description to any tract, development, or subdivision shall show a complete reference to records of the County of Campbell. The description shall also include reference to any vacated area with the book and page number of the instrument of vacation.
(f) Other affidavits, etc. The title sheet shall contain such other affidavits, certificates, acknowledgements, endorsements, and notarial seals as are required by law and by these regulations.
(g) Certificates of approval and acceptance by the following:
1. Chairperson and Secretary of the Planning Commission.
2. City Council, except in the case of a minor subdivision or a resubdivision.
(h) Certificate of acceptance for filing by the County Recorder.
(B) Additional information to be submitted at time of filing of final plat.
(1) Two copies of an application for final plat approval (provided by the Commission - See Attachment E).
(2) Two copies of traverse calculations resulting from an accurate and complete boundary survey of the subdivision. Traverse calculations when computed from field measurements, on the ground, shall close with an error of closure not to exceed one foot to 5,000 feet.
(3) Improvement drawings showing cross sections, profiles, construction details, and specifications for all required improvements shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer in conformance with the provisions in Article VII and any other pertinent sections of these regulations.
(a) Five copies of the sanitary sewerage system plans (See Article VII, Section 7.1).
(b) Five copies of the water system plans (See Article VII, Section 7.2).
(c) Two copies of the street plans and profiles plus two sets of pavement design computations (See Article VII, Section 7.3).
(4) Two sets of drainage reports including computations (See Article VII, Section 7.0).
(5) Three sets of plans for the control of erosion and sedimentation, if applicable (See Article VII, Section 7.13).
(6) Two copies of all deed restrictions or protective covenants (may either be placed directly on the final plat or attached thereto in form for recording. If recorded separately, reference to the restriction shall be made on the final plat).
(7) Final plat fees shall be submitted in accordance with Article VIII, Section 8.1.
(8) Surety bond (if applicable) per Article VII, Section 7.19 of these regulations.
(9) The subdivider or developer shall pay the recording fee per requirements of Campbell County.
(Ord. 1971-2, passed 4-6-71)