(A)   Any owner or agent of the owner, or any tenant or occupant of property who shall fail to make the repairs, reconstruction, or replacement of such defective sidewalks as provided for herein within 90 days after receiving the notice provided for in § 96.17 shall be fined as provided in § 96.99. Every day the work remains undone after this period shall be deemed a separate offense.
   (B)   In the event the sidewalks or portions thereof are not properly repaired within the time specified herein, due report of such failure shall be made, in writing, to the Superintendent of public Services, who may thereupon order the public works foreman to make the repair or repairs. A record of the entire cost thereof, including labor, shall be transmitted to the Superintendent of Public Services, who shall levy and assess the cost of the repair or repairs against the owner or owners of the benefitted property and place a lien against the property for the repair or repairs. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall bill the affected property owner for the costs and, if not paid within 30 days thereof, the affected property may be sold to satisfy the lien.
(Ord. 620.1, passed 4-23-74)