§ 91.30 FINDINGS.
   (A)   The City of Dayton is an urban area with a population living in close proximity to each other and extensive vehicular traffic.
   (B)   The urban character of the community and the health and safety of its citizens requires that livestock, poultry and undomesticated and exotic animals, reptiles or fish be prohibited from the territorial limits of the city.
   (C)   The keeping of livestock and poultry creates noxious and hazardous odors and can cause the spread of disease and attracts vexatious and disease carrying insects and varmints which are detrimental to the health and safety of the public.
   (D)   The keeping of undomesticated and exotic animals, reptiles or fish, in addition to creating the same noxious and hazardous conditions associated with livestock and poultry, creates dangerous and unsafe conditions to persons residing in proximity to such animals due to attacks, bites, clawing, and other activities which are instinctive to such animals.
   (E)   The keeping of livestock, poultry, undomesticated and exotic animals, reptiles or fish within an urban setting constitutes cruelty to such animals in that said animals require large spaces for their habitats, are instinctively wary of human contact, and are oblivious to the dangers of urban life such as vehicular traffic.
(Ord. 1996-12, passed 9-3-96) Civil offense, see § 38.15