   All work performed pursuant to a certificate of appropriateness shall conform to the provisions of such certificate. It shall be the responsibility of the Zoning Administrator and the Commission to inspect from time to time any work being performed to assure such compliance. In the event work is being performed which is not in accordance with such certificate, the city shall issue a stop work order. All work shall cease in the designated property. No additional work shall be undertaken as long as such stop work order shall continue in effect. The Commission shall meet with the owner or tenant to resolve the problem. The City Attorney may seek, in Circuit Court, an injunction and any other appropriate relief in order that the intent of this chapter shall be carried out.
(Prior Code, § 156.08) (Ord. passed 8-19-1996)
   The provisions of this chapter are hereby declared to be severable and, if any section, phrase or provision shall, for any reason, be declared invalid or unconstitutional, such declarations of invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the chapter.
(Prior Code, § 156.09) (Ord. passed 8-19-1996; Ord. passed 8-9-1999)
§ 155.10 LEGAL STATUS.
   Provisions of this chapter shall be held as minimum requirements for the promotion of public health, safety, morals and the general welfare. Whenever the regulations of this chapter require a more restrictive use of land, or impose other higher standards than are required in other chapters or regulations, private deed restrictions or private covenants, this chapter shall govern. However, if the requirements of the other chapters and/or covenants are more restrictive than established in this chapter, then those requirements shall govern.
(Prior Code, § 156.10) (Ord. passed 8-19-1996; Ord. passed 8-9-1999)
   Whenever conflicts shall arise between the provisions established herein, and the underlying zoning classifications and regulations, it is intended that the provisions set forth relating to the Historic Preservation District, landmark and landmark site shall take precedence. This is further upheld by provision of Art. 4, § 4.07, of the Zoning Ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 156.11) (Ord. passed 8-19-1996; Ord. passed 8-9-1999)
§ 155.99 PENALTY.
   The provisions of this chapter shall be assessed a civil penalty of $250 for each offense. Each day’s violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(Prior Code, § 156.99) (Ord. passed 8-19-1996)