   (A)   Effective 8-7-1989, it shall be unlawful to place a mobile home or trailer within the city limits for any purpose, until such time as certain minimal requirements have been met.
   (B)   Those mobile homes or trailers which are in place within the city limits on and prior to the date immediately prior to 8-7-1989 shall not be subject to the terms and conditions of this chapter. However, if a mobile home or trailer is to be moved from one parcel of ground to another within the city limits after the date this chapter becomes effective, then the party proposing to move said mobile home or trailer must comply with the terms and conditions of this chapter. If the mobile home would not otherwise be subject to the provisions of this chapter following the date of implementation of this chapter and if that mobile home is sold to another person without moving the mobile home or trailer from its present location, then the provisions of this chapter would not apply.
   (C)   If a mobile home or trailer is to be moved, and is subject to this chapter, the party seeking to move or to install said mobile home shall contact the City Clerk/Treasurer and shall pay a $10 fee for a mobile home or trailer license.
   (D)   The City Clerk/Treasurer shall issue a mobile home or trailer license if the vehicle meets a definition as described above and if one or more of the following criteria have been met:
      (1)   If the mobile home or trailer is new; or
      (2)    If the mobile home or trailer is used, a certified appraisal conducted by a licensed appraiser shall be presented certifying the value of the mobile home, at not less than $50,000. The cost of the appraisal shall be borne by the applicant.
   (E)   The applicant shall, along with his or her application, provide a copy of a valid bill of sale or other official certificate of ownership.
   (F)   Upon receipt of the application, the city must complete the processing of the application and, if appropriate, issue the license to the applicant within seven calendar days from the date of submission. If the application is denied due to failure to comply with the terms and conditions necessary for issuance of a license, the applicant cannot move the mobile home within the city limits until a license is approved.
   (G)   If an application is denied, and if the applicant can subsequently meet the criteria for issuance of a license, then the application process shall be repeated and, if appropriate, a license will be issued.
   (H)   Once a license has been issued, the mobile home or trailer may be placed upon a lot, other than a lot in a licensed or approved mobile home or trailer park, for a period not to exceed one year from the date of the license. Within that one-year period of time, the occupant or owner of the mobile home or trailer shall be required to convert the mobile home or trailer into a permanent or semi-permanent dwelling. A mobile home or trailer may be converted to a permanent or semi-permanent dwelling by removing the wheels; or, by removing the transporting devices for the mobile home; or, by placing the mobile home upon a permanent structure such as a concrete foundation or concrete lot foundation or as an absolute minimum by installing underpinning as described above.
   (I)   Following the issuance of a license, if the occupant or owner fails to render the mobile home or trailer a permanent or semi-permanent structure within one calendar year from the date that the license issued, the license shall become null and void and the owner or applicant shall become compelled to remove the mobile home from the city limits.
   (J)   All mobile homes will be subject to § 92.35 of this code of ordinances.
(Prior Code, § 152.02) (Ord. passed 8-7-1989; Ord. 152, passed 6-2-1992; Ord. 152, passed 4-18-2005; Ord. 2017-02, passed 9-27-2017; Ord. 2022-01, passed 2-10-2022) Penalty, see § 152.99
   This section shall not apply to those trailers or mobile homes which do not exceed the width of eight feet or a length of 30 feet. It is deemed that a trailer with a width of eight feet or less and a length of 30 feet or less shall be considered to be a traveling or camping trailer and shall not be considered a mobile home. However, if it is subsequently determined that a trailer with a width of eight feet or less or a length of 30 feet or less has been moved within the city limits or from an existing lot within the city limits to another lot within the city limits, and, if the trailer is being used as a residence on a regular and sustained basis, then the provisions of this section shall not apply and the owner or occupant shall be compelled to seek and obtain a license and shall begin the process of converting that facility to a permanent or semi-permanent status.
(Prior Code, § 152.04) (Ord. passed 8-7-1989) Penalty, see § 152.99
   (A)   Following the date of implementation of this chapter, any party seeking to construct upon a single parcel of ground more than two mobile homes or trailers for private or commercial use, shall be deemed to have constructed a trailer park and shall be subject to the provisions of KRS 219.320 through KRS 219.991.
   (B)   Prior to the construction of a trailer park, the applicant shall petition the city, through the City Clerk/Treasurer, for a license which shall disclose upon the face of the application, the following minimal information:
      (1)   The name and address of the applicant;
      (2)   The name and location of the proposed trailer park;
      (3)   A plat setting forth the dimensions of the proposed trailer park, to include as a minimum, existing lot lines; proposed lot lines; existing or proposed roads and easements; and, designation of utilities to include location of water, sewer and gas lines;
      (4)   Each mobile home lot shall be numbered;
      (5)   The contour lines which shall indicate the slope and drainage of the lot;
      (6)   The location of any public areas such as visitors parking, recreational areas and the like if such areas are proposed; and
      (7)   A large scale plan of the mobile home lot showing mobile home locations, automobile parking spaces and the like.
   (C)   All proposed trailer parks shall meet the following minimal requirements for standards of development.
      (1)   No mobile home park shall be proposed with less than three mobile home lots.
      (2)   Each mobile home lot shall provide not less than 2,500 square foot of space.
      (3)   Each mobile home park shall front onto a public street for not less than 100 feet.
      (4)   No mobile home shall be located closer than 15 feet to another mobile home.
      (5)   Each mobile home park shall have constructed prior to issuance of a license, a weather-bound road of not less than 15 feet in width to provide direct access to each mobile home lot and to a public street. The street shall not be counted toward the space requirements for a lot. All roads shall be designed to enable a mobile home entering the trailer park to reverse direction, without having to back more than one mobile home length.
      (6)   One weather-bound automobile parking area, per lot, shall be provided.
      (7)   No accessory structure, to include patios, shall be located within five feet of any trailer lot line. The floor area shall not be greater than 100 feet and the height shall not be greater than ten feet of any accessory structure.
      (8)   Only porches, stairs and other open structures may be attached to a trailer.
      (9)   All trailer parks must seek and obtain approval and maintain compliance with the State Board of Health Regulations and standards concerning water supply, sewage disposal and other facilities. Additionally, each trailer park shall be adequately drained so as to prevent the collection of storm water in such a fashion so as to prevent the collection of storm water.
(Prior Code, § 152.05) (Ord. passed 8-7-1989) Penalty, see § 152.99
§ 152.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person found to be in violation of any provision of this chapter, shall be subject to a fine of not less than $10, nor more than $500, per day and each day following written notification of violation shall constitute a separate offense.
   (B)   Additionally, if an owner or occupant of a mobile home is found to be in violation of one or more provisions of this chapter, the owner or occupant may remedy the violation by contacting the city police and by requesting an investigation by the city police to confirm that the owner or occupant has rectified the violation. If the city police certify to the city that the owner or applicant is no longer in violation of this chapter, no fine or penalty shall occur. However, if the owner or applicant fails to notify the city or, within seven days within written notice, fails to take action to remedy and, in fact, remedies the violation within that seven-day period of time, the city shall issue a notice to the owner or occupant that the city will move or otherwise transport the mobile home from its current location to a holding area. The cost of the transport and storage of the mobile home in the holding area shall be borne by the owner or applicant.
(Prior Code, § 152.99) (Ord. passed 8-7-1989)