   (A)   As used in this section, PLUMBING means the art of installing in buildings the pipes for distributing the water supply, the fixtures for using water and drainage pipes for removing waste and sewage, together with fittings, appurtenances and appliances of various kinds, all within or adjacent to the building. It shall include:
      (1)   The water service pipe which forms the connection between the property line and the building;
      (2)   Private water supply systems;
      (3)   House sewers which convey the wastewater and sewage from the building to the property line or other points of disposal; and
      (4)   Storm sewers, rain water piping and private sewage disposal systems.
   (B)   No person shall construct, install or alter any plumbing, sewerage or drainage system within the city without first having procured a plumbing installation permit from the County Health Department; provided, however, that, no permit shall be required for the repair of leaks, cocks, valves or for cleaning out waste or sewer pipes. All plumbing shall comply with the State Plumbing Code.
(Prior Code, § 150.05) (Ord. passed 12-5-1963) Penalty, see § 150.99
§ 150.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   The imposition of the penalties herein prescribed shall not preclude the city from instituting an appropriate action or proceeding to prevent an unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance or use, or to restrain, correct or abate a violation, or to prevent the occupancy of a building, structure or premises, or to prevent an illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about any premises.
(Prior Code, § 150.98)
   (B)   Any person who violates any provision of the state codes adopted in § 150.01 shall be subject to the following penalties.
      (1)   Violators of the State Building Code or 815 KAR 7:125 shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than $10, nor more than $1,000, for each offense.
(KRS 198B.990(1))
      (2)   Violators of the State Standards of Safety shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than $25, nor more than $1,000, imprisonment for not more than 60 days, or both, for each offense.
(KRS 227.990(1))
      (3)   Violators of the State Plumbing Code shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than $10, nor more than $100, imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both, for each offense.
(KRS 318.990).
(Prior Code, § 150.99)
(Ord. passed 12-5-1963)