§ 99.99 PENALTY.
   Any persons violating any provision of this chapter shall be subject to the following schedule of civil penalties in addition to any fees, charges, costs, or other amounts authorized therein.
   (A)   Citations issued by the Code Enforcement Officer for any violation of §§ 99.01 through 99.13 that are not contested or which are upheld by the Code Enforcement Board or any court of proper jurisdiction, shall be subject to the following schedule of civil penalties for each violation. However, the Code Enforcement Board may waive any or all of the penalty if it determines that such waiver will promote compliance with the property maintenance code.
   (B)   Table of fines:
Violation (Uncontested)
1st Offense
2nd Offense
3rd + Offense
Property maintenance and nuisance-structural violations
Property maintenance and nuisance-non-structural violations
$ 75
Other violations
Daily civil penalty
A daily civil penalty not to exceed $100 per day per property may be imposed by the Code Enforcement Board after a hearing and a finding upholding a citation and where the violation has not been corrected. The Code Enforcement Officer is permitted to petition the Code Enforcement Board for a hearing to request the imposition of a daily fine for any violation.
(Ord. 92A, passed 8-19-2013)