It shall be unlawful to deny any person access to or membership or participation in any multiple-listing service, real estate brokers organization or other service, organization or facility relating to the business of selling or renting dwellings, or to discriminate against him or her, the terms or conditions of such access, membership or participation, on account of race, color, religion or national origin.
(Prior Code, § 97.06) (Ord. passed 1-2-1996) Penalty, see § 97.99
Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit a religious organization, association or society, or any non-profit institution or organization operated, supervised or controlled by or in conjunction with a religious organization, association or society, from limiting the sale, rental or occupancy of dwellings which it owns or operates for other than a commercial purpose to persons of the same religion, or from giving preference to such persons, unless membership in such religion is restricted on account of race, color or national origin. Nor shall anything in this chapter prohibit a private club not in fact open to the public, which as an incident to its primary purpose or purposes provides lodgings which it owns or operates for other than a commercial purpose, from limiting the rental or occupancy of such lodgings to its members or from giving preference to its members.
(Prior Code, § 97.07) (Ord. passed 1-2-1996)
(A) The authority and responsibility for administering this chapter shall be in the Mayor.
(B) The Mayor may delegate any of these functions, duties and powers to employees of the city or to boards of such employees, including functions, duties and powers with respect to investigating, conciliating, hearing, determining, ordering, certifying, reporting or otherwise acting as to any work, business or matter under this chapter. The Mayor shall, by rule, prescribe such rights to appeal from the decisions of his or her hearing examiners to other hearing examiners or to other officers in the city, to boards of officers or to himself or herself, as shall be appropriate and in accordance with law.
(C) All executive departments and agencies shall administer their programs and activities relating to housing and urban development in a manner affirmatively to further the purposes of this chapter and shall cooperate with the Mayor to further such purposes.
(Prior Code, § 97.08) (Ord. passed 1-2-1996)