(A)   No person, firm, corporation or agent thereof may kindle or maintain any open fire, except paper, cardboard, untreated lumber, trees, brush and other similar items included therein. All other materials are strictly prohibited. During the construction or demolition of buildings or other structures, no waste materials or rubbish shall be disposed of by burning on the premises or in the immediate vicinity without first notifying the Fire Chief or his or her designees.
   (B)   Open fires shall be constantly attended by a competent person not less than 18 years of age. A garden hose connected to a water supply or other fire extinguishment equipment must be readily available for use within ten feet of the open fire.
   (C)   The Fire Chief or his or her designees may prohibit any or all open fires when natural conditions, the materials being burned or local circumstances make such fires potentially hazardous or harmful.
(Prior Code, § 93.22) (Ord. passed 11-15-2004)