It shall be the duty of the authorized city official to supervise construction or repair of sidewalks within the city. He or she shall cause specifications to be prepared for the construction of the various kinds of pavements and transmit the specifications to the legislative body for approval. When the specifications are approved, the legislative body shall advertise for proposals to do all the work which may be ordered by the city in construction and repair of sidewalks, and shall authorize the Mayor to contract therefor, for a period not exceeding one year, with the lowest responsible bidder, who shall furnish good and sufficient sureties for the faithful performance of the work. The Mayor, if authorized by City Council, may make separate contracts for the different kinds of work with different parties.
(Prior Code, § 91.06)
Statutory reference:
Sidewalks; construction along public roads; specifications, see KRS 178.290
Sidewalks; ramps for wheelchairs, see KRS 66.660
(A) Under the law of the state, any person may file a written request offering to dedicate a new or existing street, way or thoroughfare to the city and the city can either accept or reject the dedication. If accepted, the city would be legally responsible for the maintenance of the street, way and thoroughfare. Historically, the construction standards for streets, ways and thoroughfares have been non-existent and the city has determined that a uniform method of dedication of proposed streets is appropriate.
(B) Pursuant to this section, any party seeking a dedication of a street, way or thoroughfare by the city must first comply with the requirements of KRS 82.400 which sets forth the specific steps required for dedication.
(C) (1) The city has determined that no street, way or thoroughfare will be accepted for dedication unless it meets the following construction standards.
(2) All streets and public ways shall in accordance with the following.
(a) Streets shall be graded to their full width, including side slopes, and to the appropriate grade. They shall be surfaced to a width of at least 24 feet for minor streets and to the engineer’s specifications for collector and major streets including gutters, with a minimum of one-inch bituminous concrete surface, two-inch bituminous concrete binder and six-inch compacted dense graded aggregate base.
(b) All bituminous concrete shall include a tack coat. The subgrade and pavement shall be graded from shoulder to shoulder 30 feet with a crown of three-sixteenths-inch per foot. Ditches shall be sloped three to one and back slopes shall be two to one. The minimum size drain pipe under driveways shall be 12 inches in diameter. The curb may be a roll type where aprons and drives join. The surfacing contractor shall certify by a notarized statement to the city that the correct amounts of crushed stone and bituminous concrete surface were applied. The city shall be notified at least five days prior to any placing of blacktop in order that the rock base may be inspected.
(c) After approval of the final plat and the posting of an acceptable bond, the developer shall place a minimum of four inches of compacted D.G.A. base on all streets.
1. This does not necessarily mean that four inches of the base is subtracted from the total six inches required for final approval of street surfaces.
2. There shall be six inches of D.G.A. required, even if the original four inches mentioned above has been absorbed by the street.
3. The purpose of this requirement is to allow for adequate access for public and private vehicles into the area during construction period.
4. All roadway improvements (including raw material and construction methodology) shall be subject to inspection and approved by the city or an engineer hired by the city.
(d) In proposing a street, way or thoroughfare the proposal must include within the plat a provision for a minimum 50-foot easement (25 feet on each side of the centerline) for purposes of constructing and maintaining a utility easement. The easement shall be granted in favor of the city.
(Prior Code, § 91.07) (Ord. passed 12-5-1988)